Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Me too. Spinfits for life.


anyone tried spiral dots? are they any good?

Hey @hawaiibadboy, are the Thor Mjƶlnir still relevant for great bass nowadays? I completely missed this set and you seemed to like them a lot in your review from about 1 year ago.

For reference, i currently own and love the Dunu Zen and the Mangird Tea.

Yep, I can rarely get them to seal at all. They have a wide bore. I recommend buying a few sizes of everything you can find to see what works for you. It really is a personal thing. Try all the tips you can to find what works best for YOU.


They were plagued with QC issues.

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Thanks bruv. Will do.

Yes. They are made of glass though. :open_mouth:
Love em but small production runs, maybe unavailable andā€¦glassā€¦

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WTH, glass??? That sounds like an extremely poor choice for an IEM material, lol

There is an used pair for sale for CAD$200, but i think iā€™d better pass

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Yeah, small DIY guy love his work but it does not port into mass market realm very well.
I got a pair to go in my ā€œCollectibles/Rare Gemsā€ display case



2 cuties in a post, the cat and the prism. They sure look :fire:

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So, Iā€™ve been debating this in silence, but I decided to bring it up since I might get one of them in a near future:


Between some discord talks and forums, Iā€™ve came across multiple opinions about Mest and one of them is that the OG is better than Mk2. I know that fit might be a problem to some people on the OG, but lets ignore that for now.

I just came across this Precogā€™s comparition between the two. After reading it, my gears are grinding. To Precog, OG is better. To Crinnacle, they are the same, apart for an hair of sub bass more on Mk2. To me, the diference in price is night and day. 500$ USD takes a toll, and I also may need to pay 23% VAT, so keep that in mind.

So the real question is, since the differences are so subtle, does it worth 500+ more? Thatā€™s a tribid value. Thatā€™s the difference between keeping one tribid, so letā€™s say Variations/Up + Mest OG or only having Mk2.

So, once again, ignoring the Fit (because I might be able to try both in person real soon - like tomorrow), which one would you pick @hawaiibadboy or anyone that has tried both? On a budget optics, ofc.

Sorry for the wall of text, but this is important to me.


Iā€™ve read that the OG MEST is more vivid, exciting and retains a more holographic soundstage.

I have owned both the SSR and SSP.

The SSR is too sibilant for me, but I am one of those sensitive people. Something in the 3-4k range gets me, as do most of the affordable KZ sets too.

The SSP is a nice set for $40, that is unlikely to mess with people who have the problem. I still own the SSP and use them for walking and take them on the train occasionally.


I think your answer is right here, if youā€™re gonna be able to try both then you should hopefully be able to hopefully decide for yourself, if thereā€™s not much to it then east decision :wink:


If you can try the OG and it fits then you already have the answer imo. The biggest issue that got ā€˜fixedā€™ was fit anyways. sound was never the issue. Seems like youā€™re this close to getting it, congrats :+1:

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Close, but not that close. Im demoing out some awsome guy gear. But its for a very short time, like half an hour. Iā€™m sweating already

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I will not tell a lie. I am interested in PRISM. The Oxygen is one of my favorite IEMs so Iā€™m interested to see if TANCHJIM can make a better hybrid, but Iā€™ve learned my lessons. Iā€™m going to listen to your impressions before jumping. :slight_smile:

Love the kitty!


Remember the MEST MKIIā€™s modifications were made in direct feedback from MEST owners. @hawaiibadboy has even stated that Unique Melody are one of the manufacturers/designers that actually listened and improved upon their product by giving owners what they asked for.

I think @hawaiibadboy will agree, the MEST MKII is a true upgrade to the MEST, but then again, everyone is different and you might prefer the missteps of the MKI.

Is the MKII worth $500 more?

For me, yes. You? Only you can answer that question. For me, I know that if I had purchased the MEST, I would have constantly been thinking/feeling I should have bought the MKII instead.

My tastes and Precogsā€™ do not mesh.

When in doubt, just watch the reviewā€¦ The Best Earphones areā€¦

A few quotes from Chrisā€¦

ā€œIt is my favorite earphoneā€

ā€œIā€™m going to rank it #1 overallā€

ā€œI think that it is better than the original versionā€

ā€œIā€™m glad that they listened to a lot of the feedback (Unique Melody) It looks like it payed offā€

ā€œBetter fit with better surface area for bone conduction technologyā€


If i was a cp155 i will be more then happy to join resolution family in that big clear cass just put me alone with a pair of cp100 ss and dont forget to cover the walls with a black tape . please once a day send a foam tip to clean the mess