Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Wishing your fiancé a speedy recovery :smiley::+1:


Best damn Mod in the hobby. Thanks :pray: It is a pleasure to have a site like this, run by the consumers pretty much and guided by you and your teams hands. Thank you :raised_hands:


This. But some people have an hard time getting that on their head. It is a freaking business. People might see it as an hobby, but when there’s demand, there’s supply. And that supply isnt coming from non-profit organizations.

When there’s business, there politics, lobbying and shilling. When there’s shilling, there’s angry people.

When they get disappointed it’s all about bashing and not thinking why that happened, what could be different, what went wrong.

One thing that gets to my nerves is the lack of music discussions with the gear.

“a is better than b. B is better than c. C is better than d. Deal with it. Check rankings”

Wtf man? Really? Just like that?

Everyone here knows that in the first 15s I got my Variations my heart stopped. I hated it. How can I hate something everyone seems to love? Well, first I was dumb, it’s all my fault. Also, my library is different than others. Once I figured it out, I’ve been enjoying it more with different stuff than what I just usually go to. And it’s a great IEM and I rec it. It might even stay in my collection as an extra for certain genres. It just doesnt fill all my needs, and so far nothing did but the Teas, which have their own faults too.

People need to read between the lines. And trust me, im no example guys. I buy 600 iems to test :upside_down_face:


very few reviewers lists down what songs they use to test iems, even fewer pinpoints the the exact sound they are looking for at the exact second. Mostly are vague description and its hard for newcomers like me to understand. reviewers that points out that they are looking for in a song is a Godsend. overall its just an external info to build before making the purchase. Trust your ears more than anything else.


Yap, people need to take some time to do some research. I know I did a lot and still do. Most of people don’t have the time or will to do so, tho.

Only caveat with trusting your ears is the blind picks. You have to buy it before you can hear it with your hears, but yeah, it’s the best way.

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@hawaiibadboy, 150-250hz usually affect stuff like kickdrums and male vocals, right?

When reading through how multi kilobuck cables make all the difference on Head-Fi :rofl: :rofl:


I think with EE thing on head-fi you mean that guy from Switzerland i guess? People laughed it off like he’s crazy at first before all the ‘damage control’ happened later on.

The only downside to this chat, as well as everyone else’s, is that there are no good reviews of IEMs to work with metal music! I don’t know if you know that more than 60% of the population listens to metal !! Fact !!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think you mean rock music. Metal is just a sub genre of rock. Stop trolling please

pretty much

I don’t have a graph of Monarch up yet but Variations is a little brother of Monarch.
Both have strong emphasis on Sub over mid bass
I never talked to you about your Variations buy iirc? It’s your money. And it’s not a Moondrop thing (see Monarch. Linsoul’s flagship)
2 things are wrong for my library and either one itself is not an issue but combined it is

*Tight bass cut of Variation/Monarch (itself, no real issue, not ideal but not a biggie)
*Strong sub bass emphasis (itself, no real issue, not ideal but not a biggie)

Both of those combined is an audible and clear issue with drums and bass guitars.
The info is there but a masking effect is taking place by the strong emphasis combined with a tight cut.
It makes for great clarity but sacrifices some basic instruments in my library.
That Elysian glide much like Mangird is an ideal slope for my music library.

Look at it like the pinna gain
a +10dB gain is not a deal breaker
An abrupt +10dB gain is for most
“angle of attack” as they say


You don’t have to give us anything yet, just give us a timeline when we can expect it to be available for purchase please! :slight_smile:

2 weeks I believe :notes:


Yap, we seem to think alike. I’m trying to understand better what I NEED and not “what’s better”.
Yesterday I was talking with a guy that you know as well about EJ07m and Variations. He told me “Variations has more mid bass”.

Well, let’s see. First everyone’s ears anchor at different frequencies. Mine seem to anchor around 200hz. To have the same db on that output there’s a double down (tea is my reference, but I’dnt mind a little more bass and treble):

So I get more bass and treble around the same output on that frequency. To get the same kick drums I’m blasting my ears off with treble and bass.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Var. But it’s not perfect for me. I liked what I heard on EJ07m, so I bought one. Let’s see if it fits better than Variations for my library.

Maybe I’m just a weirdo :man_shrugging:

PS: The “X” looks like a snack. An expensive delicious snack.


No. Exactly metal. It doesn’t teach me how to write !!

60%+ of the world population listens to Metal? I find that hard to believe.


Well, don’t believe it :slight_smile:

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Who has more middle bass -07М or Tea?

This is just for US, but you get an idea. Year is 2020:

“The leading genre by streams was, as is almost always the case, R&B and hip-hop . A total of 31.1 percent of all streams came from the R&B and hip-hop genre, remaining almost as popular as the year before.”

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07m, but it’s not a bass-head set by any means. And it’s slight.