Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Gimmie a guess :notes:

@Resolution Moon stole a great and new tuning idea. Keep the tuner. Fire the Social Media dudes.
All of them
Just when KATO is getting notice the company sticks there face in to a site companies don’t do that.
Then go dark. Morons of the highest order. Even the loyalist fans cannot help if they don’t STFU

“ping us”

Nah, this ain’t head fi clown shoes

@nymz Bro, we all cool round here. You seen my earlier posts I edited.
I was talking stories nobody knows in the wrong spot at the wrong time.
Someday, somewhere…later :sunglasses:


Okay I’m sending it over PM to not spoil anyone :rofl:

And packaging/cable guys, while we are at it.

No need no half naked girls and barbed wire here.

That is very unlikely to happen.

This stuff sells.


Don’t get me wrong, I like everything in the right spot. (pun unintended)

I don’t expect to buy a Playboy magazine and see photos of IEMs, as much as I don’t expect the opposite.

I know it sells, and will just get bigger and bigger on the marketing side of stuff. But we still have a voice, even if it’s unheard.



Im not surprised, the EVA TWS sets Final Audio sells is really popular at my place…


This sold way faster than the ‘normal’ package YUME

Moondrop has no morals imo but they are not crazy. They know what sells and how it sells. They trying to market to the ‘waifu’ chasers.


Sigh. I’m a fucking adult. I don’t need or want cartoons advertising my audio products. I don’t get it.

This is probably why I’m becoming more and more of a Unique Melody fan. This is an example of their packaging…

Let the product speak for itself. Not some half naked girl cartoon character. No nonsense, just awesome music quality.


1 thing to note about Mest/UM that most people might not know.

They don’t just look premium. They really FEEL premium. You feel you’re holding TOTL



i know stuff.

Keep your eyes open around Christmas.
I expect them to build off of their newly increased fanbase


Awesome! I am one of them. Go UM!

To UM - Just please keep focused on creating the best audiophile products available without half naked little anime girls on boxes.

That’s because they are TOTL. lol

@nymz You’re on a roll today! Keep it up bro.


Mest Mk3? I might wait for that :rofl:

What I meant is that you get what you pay for. Lots of times you pay for stuff that doesn’t feel premium for their price, even if they sound good.


True. The MEST MKII hit me really hard because I really didn’t expect it. I bought it as an impulse to a completely different event just to do it.

I thought I had heard everything that I was going to hear. I thought I knew better. Then I received it and listened to it and it changed the hobby and my outlook. I actually became depressed because I had quickly realized that it was in another tier above everything else I had heard which was shocking but also sad because it was probably the end of the road for my chase. It really is TOTL in every way. I hit the endgame without meaning to.

As you know, I’m still having fun in the hobby talking to you guys and hunting for sets that do certain things or certain genres better than others but in all honesty, I could call it a day and walk off into the sunset with my MEST MKII a happy man and never look back.


Should have left when I only had a DAP and Teas. Mest is a different beast, if you don’t mind to afford it.

To be honest, at this point I might end up like you… Mest + other “fun” stuff. Time will tell


I actually try to forget that I own the MEST MKII so I can continue the hobby. I’ve heard @hawaiibadboy struggle with the same thing. To be able to review all the sets he does, he can’t compare every set to the MEST MKII. Then most sets that comes across his desk would be like… NEXT!

I expect a set that costs a lot of money to be TOTL. It’s horribly shameful when they’re not or missing drivers! lol

I’ll admit, I get excited when a less expensive set can compete with the TOTL sets. That’s why I am here and continuing to buy and explore new sets. If I can also help spread the word when a set may not break the bank yet is TOTL in some way (as Mele’s tuning is) my job is done. I get a great deal of enjoyment helping other audiophiles find a great set that fits their needs/desires with their library for the least amount of money.


The problem with Mest competition is that it’s probably even more expensive. U12T, Elysium X, VX, Trailli, Fusang, Trailli, etc. Some people prefer some, other people will prefer others. But one thing they have in comon: expensive as hell. Mest still is one of the cheapest of the bunch.

It’s even harder to do a rec on something you don’t believe it’s better and still costs more, specially in that leage.


@hawaiibadboy knows his shit. No. Not really… Not even in the same tier.


What’s that I see? The Mangird Tea a whole tier above the U12T? Oh my! :wink:

Says a guy that posted this:

:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: You had it coming :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: