Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

…for the metal genre. @hawaiibadboy doesn’t play there what so ever to my knowledge?

Hey, you started it! You even tagged dad.

It’s a matter of libraries :slight_smile:

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lol, I love it! That’s why I’m here, for entertainment and comedy. You know I don’t need to be here.

Absolutely. Chris says the same thing all the time…


Same. I just like to troll and hang out with the guys here.

It’s good so people realize that there’s no holy grail for “end-game”. Best example are tribids. You need to find YOUR tribid or have a couple. Good luck getting on that is master of all (500-700$ bracket). Same thing will apply in any bracket.

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I would be very interested in a set at about MEST MKII $$$ and better MEST SQ :pray: :pray:
could it even exists?

PS are you going to try the EE Legend Evo? apart from the hype, seems interesting on paper…

" First everyone’s ears anchor at different frequencies. Mine seem to anchor around 200hz. "
very correct observation. in the past when I looked at graphs I couldn’t link what I was seeing with what I was hearing… then I start playing with the freq the curves match… and I have found that I have a best “anchor match” around 500Hz.
for example when compared like this, the graphs of my current top three IEMs are very close to my listening experience

present!!! and already saving money :slight_smile:

Is there any better option then mmcx dunu duw-02
“interchangeable plug” for my 7hz timeless ? In the 80$ range

Not sure if better, but there’s the new kinera cables.

Also keep in mind that dunu 02 needs the adaptors bought separate.

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Oh i didn’t know that they don’t include the adapters . I did find in AliExpress :

Thnx alot bro for this great information

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The adapters only come with the cables shipped with their IEMs. Also generally you get a 3.5, 2.5, and a 4.4 with the IEM if you want the USB C it is separate.

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Got it thnx a lot bro

Yeah, it’s pretty normal. They usual upgrades to keep the signature but improving sound, as far as I know (never heard oracle).

In another news, just heard from a Shouer representative. There’s shortage on Sonion BAs and stock is out. Now it’s 50/50. Either my seller already has stock and I’m good, or I’m being played… My day just good worse. Or weekend…

Trn Ta1 is one of the meatiest I’ve heard for male vocals. Bump on it’s graph starts around that region.

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Speaking of endgame, I actually have a dream gear that I have always wanted to get.

In a world of brand new DAPs and them being android based to access to music streaming services, is it bad that I still want to get the Sony WM1A? I do know there are better DAPs out there now at a similar or even at a lower price but man, something about the WM1A just gets me somehow. Maybe it’s the battery life or the sound signature that I like. I have been demo-ing it in various ocassions the past few years and it still gets me. It was one of the reasons why I got the A55 as my first DAP and started my audio gear journey from there. I really hope to get it in my hands one day. That’s the dream.


Why not? if it fits with your preferred sound sig and you dig the ascetics, I think Chris covered the Sony house sound when he reviewed the DX300 and somewhat compared two Sonys to it :+1:


Oh! I’ve never watched his DX300 video before, but funnily enough, I watched his WM1A video few years back and made it one of the reasons why I wanna get it in the first place :joy:

I’ll go watch his DX300 now!


I didn’t try DX300 but I’m in love with LPGT, pairs so good with Aroma Thunder and Mest Mk2😍


Can DAP’s drive Active Studio Speakers balanced 4.4 to XLR or do you need speaker amp to drive them? Interested to know what setup work best for you.