Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)


First I have heard of such a set :open_mouth:

Does anyone know why Linsoul removed the option of delivery with Yumее Express, very well avoided the payment of value added tax ??

There’s rummors about it. Was @Rikudou_Goku that talked about it on his thread. Maybe CanJam reaveal or something.

BLON 07???


And still having that trash connectors


They walked away from the OPPOTY DRIAMS meme
Companies would kill for that typo turned hashtag.
I love they are trying new stuff but don’t get too big for your britches.
Everyone loves a good OPPOTY


You won’t like it with hip hop though. But yes for rock/metal, it is probably my favorite iem.

(although I can’t comment on the older rock/metal stuff you listen to…)

Why? Too fast no slam?

Sub bass roll off, and it is too tight for it.

I see, thanks :pray:

Yeah… Should have rolled with the DRIAMMS. Cult status due to the 03s. I would have waived them off if they were sold at a local night market if not for awesome reviews…


Yellow is Dunu Falcon Pro taken from riku’s database.
(not labled as dunu in graph as it is not my measure)

Mid bass bleed to the gain by graph.
This is going to be interesting.
Since it’s only $200 it’s no big deal if i don’t like.


Falcon seems pretty juicy to me for prog metal? I wonder what the dynamics will be, because this is very important for this genre? New driver, I hope it gives dynamics in the middle, what I’ve been looking for for 2 years :))))) The highs are not piercing, which is good! I didn’t buy Zen, I waited for Falcon. I have some discipline hahaha.

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The etch work on the shell looks savage. Like the design ALOT more than ZEN

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MRS agreed with me on it not being bloated.

But yeah, the graph does imply bloat.


Some folks are too attached to certain brands I think :sweat_smile:

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Ah makes much more sense now… edited, thanks

Thanks :pray: Edited mine too :+1:
I get fan mails sometimes :laughing:

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Well, THAT’S about as low class as it gets! Kudos for taking the high road, even if you do get this kind of mess on the regular.

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I think he meant the company as a whole, not on the email topic.