Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Yes. It is more interesting that way. Otherwise we will die of boredom. let there be a dispute and a discussion … “In the dispute is the truth”. :sweat_smile:


With all that mid bloat?

I’ll gladly be your trash can then. Send all your 02 to me.


Hahaha. Ok. Okay. One day I will get rid of the whole side and leave what is worth :))))

ehm, no.

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Have you seen the love letters Crinacle sometimes gets?



Man it really sucks if you have an opinion but not as much as a trolltards like that…some folks really need to get a life, get off the internet and start listening to music for themselves…that way they’ll not need anger management classes, their blood pressure will be lowered…oh hang on that might well prolong their life :zipper_mouth_face::dash:


This gave me a trigger point elsewhere. If you think something it’s one of the best ever, why do you care what a Reviewer says? You care about public opinion? Damn.

So if Crin said Z1R was bad… It would sound bad? Srsly, I don’t understand people…


Well, thats kinda proof on how big guys like Crinacle and BGGAR are.

Sadly I havent gotten anything like that…yet. :joy:


No death threats no love :man_shrugging::sweat_smile:

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I have had folks threaten to sexually assault my Fiance’ and say they had her address.
(We live together so…fuckin try it bro…)
That happened twice.
Once by the Trinity guy.

I’ll not post the Filth

It ended like that above (The 1st part)

After that when I complained to Brooko that they had grabbed my shipping info in a joke…
Shit escalated to the point where that nasty crap was uttered and I flew into a rage on Headfi in the DM to all the folks running that site.

I actually showed the veiled threat about assault on my chick and they gave zero fucks.
That tactic got used again.

I’m sure Crinacle gets a ton of shit. I do.
When you can birth a star or crush a companies dream with a poor review…you make enemies


That’s an influencer’s life :man_shrugging: You get both loves and hates from internet.


They need a life…

This is what I imagine when you get that kind of messages.

Someone being reaaaallyyy triggered.

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Sorry but Trinity bad ass guy be like :joy:


This would end up well. Free MMA workout :man_shrugging:

Lol, Now this explains a lot. Pretty sure I’ve seen the adult version of that guy on my work line.

Did he really tried to stuff his remote on his ass?


Yeah, he got his World of Warcraft account cancelled by his mother and he flew into a rage. :joy:

Well now I have a reason to not watch the vid.

And believe me, I had known enough people and digged the internet quite far to understand there are way weirder weirdos out there.

It’s SFW. It’s just a ragging skinny boy.

Oh and I was a wow addict during many years. Still can’t understand that reaction.


I don’t like Crinacle as a reviewer. There are some very dumb presentations! BBGAR is on another level, very well explains the sound and everything related to IEMs. According to Crinacle, tea was “neutral and close to bad cacophony” or something I read. B2 was unique to him, absolute nonsense. Now who knows what he will say about Falcon Pro. Well then I will troll it :)))

Or you can grow up :man_shrugging: