Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Glad to hear you are still alive

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Should receive the Mele in a week or so. So will see how you did soon enough :).

Edit: Btw, what happened to the Mele giveaway?

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Am waiting for a Blue one. Kinda wanna make it special since so many folks broke their eyes on that vid :laughing:


Oh nice, didnt know theres a blue one in the making. Is there any pics of it?


Not yet. Just a mock up photoshop I wont share :slight_smile: They are trying to catch up with orders and integrate the blues pretty soon (before 11/11 anyway)


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Geez, they are big.


They are.

I’ll explain this in a video for EVO

I expect the flagship follow up to ODIN to be a big deal.
I think this is a final refresh of the LX
I really have come around to EST treble.
It’s a different animal. 100% guarantee ODIN followup has EST
Jack, tone down the weak link in ODIN for many …the gain.
Reap the benefits and take the bag of money to the bank.
That is the way. Traillii treb is the deal. Folks paid $6000 for a reason and it’s not the bass


Skip this vid?
Seriously considering it.

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Your analysis sounds correct for what should be the next Odin. I would definitely go after them.

Also, how do you rate the “bone conductor” effect compared to the MEST mkii?

My interpretation of MEST MKII

It creates a sense of there being more energy than that low gain graph of MEST indicates.
It 100% treats upper mids in a way unlike it graphs which is part of why it is UM’s best selling set.
The bonus?
It is almost fatigue inducing…the cues. However it never does fatigue

Graphs like a tame monitor w/low gain
Sounds like a regular gain set
Induces no fatigue like the sound indicates it should but graph implies it may not.

Something is clearly going on in MEST.
I cannot for the life of me pick up the BC driver on the EVO maybe due to the very elevated bass and treble.
I’m puzzled why they did that. It almost tunes out the ability of the BC by using a pair of DD and BA’s and boosting them all.
That might be why I am not pleased?
An LX for an Extra $1000 and lesser package

Ely and MKII sound close to ear but not graph. 1-5Khz is wildly un traditional on MEST

That bassline of MKII and Ely is my thing apparently?
Love it :two_hearts:


Seriously that graph looks wack :grimacing: another day in the tuners office :man_shrugging:


Edx pro arrived

Gorgeous looking, for $14 bux why not? Good bass decay (but need slight sub bass boost to give better weight), good vocal performance but sibilance galore (tame it couple dB), treble is slightly airy but doesn’t extend too far, average sound stage/imaging. For the price and with slight tweak/adjustment is more engaging than DQ6, but if you are sensitive to sibilant or anti eq, avoid it. A bastard child between Tripowin TC01 and Tinhifi T2/T3 :thinking::sweat_smile:


That kinda tripped me out.

I listened and thought…this isn’t too bassy. :thinking:
Graphed it and quite a bit of bass. Just did not sound that way. The way the driver is breathing…I dunno. Some folks might think the graph shows a bass beast but it was soft on the Kill Jill track.
For $14…Yeah. Great beater set.

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Have you ever done a video showing how different tips - on the same IEM - change the frequency response graphs? That would be an interesting and informative video.


For measuring consistency
I always use foam as it gets a full and solid seal in the coupler 100% of the time.
I have never done a vid like you mentioned.
Perhaps in the future. I use Spinfit CP100 L (yellow core) for all my reviews

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I read on precog’s impressions of the EVO that Josh from EE said that using foam tips mutes the effect of the bone conductor as the effect permeates through the tips. Take that with a grain of salt though!

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Yeah, that makes sense.
My listening is always with spinfits CP100 :+1:


The EVO reminds me of that video you posted a while back about how $1500 was the sweet spot for iem price. I purchase the MEST MK2 because of your videos on it and have been complete floored by the sound quality. Thanks for the work you do!

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Thanks for the trust :pray:
EVO is not on the level of the MEST MKII despite it’s double the asking price.
Enjoy the MEST MKII.


Agree with both of you and I even graphed mine as well. I don’t get how it measures at that level as it doesn’t sound like it. Decent level but I will probably EQ some weight into it as well. Yeah, average stage and engaging with that KZ energy. Reminded me of a great gym or outdoor set where it doesn’t take much volume to hear the vocals. Too much volume and it gets fatiguing so will probably drop the upper level a bit too. In short bursts, it is a bit more like an older KZ than the original EDX.

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