Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)


Decided i need to get myself some measuring stuff, so i have few questions for you big boys @hawaiibadboy @Rikudou_Goku @nymz @Resolution , sorry if i missed someone.

Ive been looking at that little Dayton Audio IMM-6 mic. Also that IEC Coupler from taobao, this comes with its own mic right? As far as i can tell it does, correct me if im wrong.
So what are you guys using? And will that IMM-6 be good enough(since its simpler for me to get that one), or should i aim for the IEC coupler? What are upsides/downsides of each?

yes, all you need after that one is either a soundcard with mic input OR you can get a dongle but you would need some adapters as well.

IEC is the better one, but more expensive. (also no need to make a DIY coupler, unlike the IMM-6.)


No i Listen to iems with my iems even headphones with my imes . And i enjoy that and audio is enjoyment its not mathematics so enjoyment = worth it

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Yo, that yellow DD looks like a lemon! :lemon: lol

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Lemon spirit gonna git you bruh


These seem very similar GS Audio GD5… I’m curious if they’re using same drivers, tuning is probably different

Have you tried those semt from HS Audio?


Doing A/B testing EVO and the X. So far it ain’t a fair fight and the X is above. I will give it more time as I have a strong bias.
However, they were nicely packed, they kept their promises.

I did my vid, got told it would be taken care of.
I took my vid down.
Twister got a retail pack in August /Sept

I get this

It’s October 18th…and I still got a dirty bubble bag.

Tuning is preference.

Customer care for $50 or in this case $3,100…
That’s not preference.

Or maybe it is??
I Prefer not to get *******


I admit the bubble bag looks sad as F.


Man for that :moneybag: they should be packed in a Unicorn’s scrotum :man_shrugging:


Sorry… seen your nice pack and got triggered :laughing:

Word :fist:

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Soooo, this happened…

Someone posted this video on head-fi, and i think its worth posting here.


Redeyes in the house!!

That’s my guy.

We clash on 50% of stuff 100% of the time.
That puts him with Crin. Good company :fire:
The EJ07 OG is why he is my guy.
He knows what the **** is up


Pretty huge thing for the hobby, and seems it checks out. Confirmed on my channel imbalanced timeless. Boosting the quiter channel doesnt do anything for the depth, but cutting the louder one at 10KHz with Q5.0 and -6.5db makes a pretty noteable increase in depth perception.
And this is going blind, with some measurement equipment results could be even better.

Keep him as your guy, hes worth it :slight_smile:

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Damn this forum’s fast becoming an IEM Short Bus stop :man_shrugging:


All look similar to the S8F V shape but with a DD (which doesn’t need that mid-bass lift like a BA does) I’m guessing these will be a bit on the warm/bassy side ?
Think I’ll pass and wait for Thieaudio’s new offerings.

Monarch Mk2 and V16 is coming…


I’m not sure I trust this as, for instance, this says the Z1R has very limited soundstage since its PTFR average is most certainly below 10 dB:

But anyone who has listened to the Z1R knows this is a contradiction as it is a soundstage king!

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