Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Driver flex, most likely.


I have frequently the same issue. Wonder if it’s a coupling vs decoupling thing. Whatever the reasons why, we have the solution!

Could also just be your ear canals. With my left ear, I need to do either shallow fit or super-deep fit, but anywhere in the middle and I get lessened bass response. Dunno if both ears could have the same issue.

Could also be the tips for sure, in conjunction with your ear canals. Past a certain point, you lose the seal.

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You are probably right. :ok_hand:

It happens in measure rigs. The tips “kink” and you lose low end.
Foams form fit so if it happens with foams forget the theory :sweat_smile:


Quick, precise, honest… Fucking A.
Love this format, please do more.


Had the chance to hear these three as well, and I think HBBs thoughts on the Kato and OH1s are spot on.

The Bravery however…
That set is not Bass Light, far from it. Heck, it has one of the best Bass responses of any full-BA set out there. Clear, intimate midrange, and the treble is smooth while retaining some sparkle. Excellent for Hip-Hop and Electronic Music.

First time I completely disagree on a set I had the chance to listen to as well. I heard pretty much the exact opposite.

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People are being asked to pay $280+ for this 4BA set
$100 more than KATO :man_facepalming:
No way.
I disagree with your opinion but you didn’t act like a troll so lets politely agree to disagree :ok_hand:


Thanks bruh!
Makes it easy to mention sets I don’t like (bravery) and ones that are a joke (ikko)
without bashing to long. 2-3 minutes is enough


Olina before 11.11? Did I miss something? Is that what I think it is? :woozy_face:

Also when blue Mele? :grimacing:


Of course! I‘d never say that your opinion is invalid. And neither would I ever think of mine as facts ^^


Cool and thanks :raised_hands:
I appreciate the mature dialogue. Things can get crazy on the internet. :space_invader:
Happy Halloween this weekend :ghost:


1 budget
1 not Budget


Omg Could iems look more beautiful ! Monarch Mk2 :face_with_thermometer: I will get surgery to fit them 🥲


Happy Halloween as well :ghost:

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You gonna be getting your hands on the new Monarch any time soon or do you think we’re a ways out from getting your impressions?

MKII Soon/on the way
V16 will be a bit of a wait. Packaging maybe?


Do you expect the V16 to be good? (Seen a FR graph perhaps)
I do not know what to think of 16 BA´s per side, but the tuning needs to be bulls eye at that price.

Hey @hawaiibadboy, when you are listening to some music with your HE6se do you use EQ?

I got curious because i know you like more bass than the HE6se delivers, even with the grill mod the bass is nowhere near your target.

If you do EQ would you mind sharing your settings?

HP’s response graphs are different to IEM’s so that’ll explain that :+1: