Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I will ask my options and see what he says. Yours look fantastic :heart_eyes:


My Susvara should come in it. :rage:
$6,500 Headphones ( That’s Arya not Sus in pic)
Imagine (Hifiman) adding $20 to overhead and including a proper box.
If they bought in bulk it would cost that much. Cost me $40


I admit that in the audio hobby, I would love to see less focus on the boxes and more on the transportability. For instance I like that Focal includes a nice carrying case, but I would prefer that the box is meant to be recycled, not kept.
Cause yes, the Susvara box, I almost feel ashamed keeping it considering it is totally useless.



Looking forward to FOCUS Rock


That’s some EDM tuning indeed.


So the ZEX… first KZ I’ve ever enjoyed this much. Found the treble harsh, but then adapted things to accommodate how long the nozzles are by using small tips and sinking them all the way in. About two thirds of the way to an etymotic feel there. That really smoothed out the treble, gives killer isolation, and I am remarkably impressed for $20.

HiFi has come so far. Less than a decade ago the NuForce Primo cost $500 for example, and is frankly crap compared to these for $20. That’s half a grand for a poor timbre experiment at a mids only profile.

You all know how much I love the YanYin Aladdins. They may be the perfect tuning for me. Still nothing touches them, including all the pricier sets I’ve tried.

But as a parent to a young family, I’m seriously starting to consider whether the extra love I have for those is worth the price difference (admittedly only $130 difference if I sold them, based on used market). If I can be as happy as it’s starting to look like I can for $20, that difference in price could help chip away at our mortgage, or pay for a doctor visit.

All this to say I expected them to be fun, a complementary beater. I did not expect anywhere near this competence.

Are they better than $100+ headphones? Probably only a few. But I think they’re actually up there with another budget favorite of mine, the ISN D02 for $80. To me that was already crazy value. They’re head and shoulders above the GS Audio GD3B which after the taxes and fees came to around $80 even with reviewer discount applied.

Fit/tips are important to avoid potentially harsh treble and other sound issues, but fully inserted with a good seal, even their technicalities are pretty darn good, on top of tuning.

Bass isn’t thumpy in a nondescript way like many mid-bass rich sets. Timbre is very accurate.

Thanks for the rec Chris!

I doubt I’ll make them a primary set and sell my favorites, but if I keep listening, miracles may happen.

They’re not TOTL, and not a true end game for anyone, but they are better than expected. I’ve tried sets that are better than I’d expected before, but they were still not something I’d choose to listen to - but I’ve been reaching for these often to give them a solid try, without disappointment.


This…is where stuff dies for me.
ZEX kept living :slight_smile: For the money a very easy rec.

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For $22 these are very impressive compared to some of the more expensive stuff i bought 3 years ago… It’s amazing how far and fast the Asian iem market is advancing.


Sometimes a nice cheap greasy cheese burger is what you really need to satisfy your hunger… Life isn’t always filet mignon.


I’ll always have a spot for a greasy burger…or a Mom & Pop greasy spoon joint :raised_hands: :fire: :hamburger:


'Olina is Hawaiian for (joyful)


Is Olina an hibrid? :smirk:



Small continuity update:

By some miracle, I can finally access the Squig Link graphs

Now I have something to fidget with on my computer :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


Thanks for updating. Glad it works for you now :notes:

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I figured out my bass problems with the DQ6. If I fully insert the iem deep in my ear like I should be all the bass disappears. If I do a partial insertion then the bass response comes back. I don’t know if maybe the deep insertion is crushing the tip and killing the lower freqs? No idea lol.

It may be something to do with driver pressure if it changes that much but I’m not sure.

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Try with a smaller tip… :wink:

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