Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Check DM again, if you get time. One thing wasn’t added, I’ve updated it.

EDIT: this site is garbage for DMs, always gotta tag.


No affiliate link?
Fuck off!!
Folks that supply him got banned from here.

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DM’s work fine it’s just folks have a life and need to sleep :+1:


True :+1: but sometimes we don’t receive notifications for no reason.

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OK cool, if any other folks have DM issues please let us know as I’ve never experienced any problems myself :+1:


OK fine :+1:

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This is ridiculous and disappointing…

I remembered the first time I posted the channel’s video on this forum and left a comment on his videos. He oddly replied that “Hifiguides hate me…” I wonder why. But I know for certain he’s a massive Moondrop shill to the point that it’s almost irrelevant when he compares Moondrop with other brands of the same price bracket. His Moondrop videos are relevant only when he compares within Moondrop IEMs.

However, I just went and check the affiliated links he has, and all of them are Hifigo. Could it be the case where he’s affiliated to Hifigo and can’t plug Linsoul-specific items?

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I’ll be ignoring that dude from now on.

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He has been shilling and collabing the heck out of Aria and Kato lately, and earlier Moondrop models since the beginning of his channel. Not surprised at all, half of his videos end with “but you can really just save up and add a little more to buy” either Aria, Kato, B2, or S8.

Best thing to say is that the channel isn’t really a genuine individual review channel but rather a business supported channel.

Lets just ignore the dude.

Next topic :partying_face:


Oh wow, Timeless over Teas? Clairvoyance over Oracle? Interesting… :thinking:

Nah, Oracle over Clair IMO


…and there’s a few of 'em :wink: everyone has an opinion some have an angle for sure…just don’t take the piss and enjoy the music :peace_symbol:


@hawaiibadboy If you are getting another set, I just love this version.


Those are the ones I want. I’ll have 2 pair on Elysian X :sweat_smile:

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Who are you talking about?

I asked him this design specifically, I loved the logo as the gold you have but wanted the same effect as the mest mkii. But in the end they look better than the mest, the gold flakes are even on the nozzle.

Oh that’s a special request?

Can I ask.
Is that for you only?

It was a personal preference but I don’t mind others to have it as well :slight_smile: Mr Lee was nice enough to make them this way.