Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Little darker actually


Seriously, another for the short “Nope” vids if you’re willing to throw them. :+1: I think it’s a better format than a long, ranting review that burns up your time.

As much as I think it’s good to always let the cream float to the top, sometimes it’s worth spotting the rats mucking around in the milk.


I think i just found our anthem :slight_smile: . And pretty catchy too.

Unreleated, but reminds me of this:


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They could wear:
“Free Tibet”
“Peace 4 Hong Kong”
“Fight 4 yo Rightz”
“Dictators are dated”

T-shirts to up their street cred
B4 they get erased from the net and the world :sweat_smile:


Quick question what happen to moondrop? I’ve been gone for a month or so and came back to whatever That’s been happening
:what happened here.jpg:


They wlll replace my cable.
I am fine now. I’m simple like that.
I pay___. You provide___. ( basic performance contract) Moondrop is doing their job :ok_hand:

Empire Ears??
Have heard nothing in about 3 weeks

$3000 for stuff packed in a dirty bubble wrap.
EDIT: paid full price Sept 22.
Today is 1 month anniversary :partying_face:


F… not okay :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

If I had paid over $3000 for an IEM and got it in bubble wrap (and dirty on top of that), I would return the IEM. And then nothing from them in over a month?!? …amateurs!

I hate bad and unintelligent customer service and buying from such companies, you start praying their QC is top-notch. (More often it is not.)


Aye be like picking up a new Bentley to find there’s a used Starbucks cup in the cup holder and MacDonalds wrappers in the boot/trunk like zero fucks were given :man_shrugging:


I know it might be my autistic self kicking in but…when I unwrapped the ghetto bubble wrap, the fact that it was dirty…visibly dusty kinda infuriated me more than $3000 being in bubble wrap.


Yeah lol like why would they do that?

Send the dirty bubble bag?

Or say 3 weeks ago they would send me a proper part of the complete package then never follow up?

I took my video down since we agreed it did not reflect a proper retail package.

I’ll never ever listen to that buncha bullshit again.
I did that in good faith.

Somewhere Ethan Groover is laughing.
You were right Ethan :pray:

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Hey @hawaiibadboy, i think @Dynamic once mentioned the Kennerton LSA HP-2 in this thread, i have received mine yesterday and i must say this is the most unique set i have ever heard.

It is a closed back dynamic with horns! It has such an unique sound presentation it is hard to describe, one reviewer even said its soundstage is deeper and wider than the Arya! It is mid forward, has the biggest soundstage i have ever heard in a closed back, the bass slams hard and is super well controlled, the imaging is something i can’t even describe.

If this picks your interest maybe your review could make this set visible to more people like you did with the Mangird Tea. Or maybe you will find that it sucks completely to your ears, who knows?! lol

One thing is for sure, this is the most unique set i have ever heard, i don’t think anyone would think differently liking the set or not.


The BGGAR ideal curve is now my fav tuning. If I EQ my IEMs I focus on hitting the BGGAR curve as exactly as possible.


I think youre on to something… I suppose that would be the fastest way to become a part of the underground scene :slight_smile:

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Thanks. It is definitely good with my music library :ok_hand:


I’m pretty darn lucky our libraries are almost duplicates. And both our names are Chris. :grinning:

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Your Moms nailed the name part.

The rest is up to you


@hawaiibadboy check DM, when you get time.

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I just did. Thank you :pray: :ok_hand:

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