Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

“we” “we” “we” and “WE” :man_facepalming:

You just made his point, while messing up your own and clearly do not even realize it.
Ending with a clown icon was icing on your cake.


My brother in law, who is also a really nice guy, is a marketing guy, so I do know they exist. I also have enough personal experience to say that statistically, nice people with empathy in these fields are unicorns.

That same company hired a new marketing VP, and his first big thing after the Cambridge Analytica congressional hearing started, was to ask a bunch questions to see if we could do something like that, and he might have been a better person than the guy he replaced, or the one before that. He seemed shocked when I said that he missed the point about that headline, and that congressional hearings are not something you want your company involved in, and that they didn’t pay me enough to lie on the stand, so he might want to think about that before asking me to do anything else that was questionable or possibly illegal.


At least let’s listen to the damn FHE and see how it sounds instead of crucifying right after it’s been announced. Just saying


I’m glad for all the reviewers out there revealing the questionable practices that some brands are willing to do to get good reviews. It may influence my next purchase of i don’t want to give this company my hard earned money.

But most of us are adults and we should own our decisions. We all know the various sales and marketing tactics out there, don’t fall for it.


I’ll let Bjork explain :peace_symbol:


I didn’t know that FiiO was doing that, and I am filling that away as another reason to take the Qudelix 5k over the Fiio BTR5, as if the lack of trrs support wasn’t enough. I really don’t think of FiiO for much other than DAC/Amp hardware.

I was happy to see that TinHiFi is continuing to do the right thing, and put out a good looking IEM. They have been off my radar for a while, but that T3+ has me paying attention to them again.


Some people read texts to fit their narrative and don’t try to understand. But we are alle entitled to our own opinions.

@hawaiibadboy just curious, did the

ever land?


You did exactly that to @John_W_Clark
Exactly what you wrote, is what you did.
No attempt to understand via, clarification, questions or any form of inquiry.
Just jump straight to refute and filling in your own narrative of what he was saying.

I doubt that. He explained further and you skipped over him to spew at me.

VE EE. Not yet but on the way :slight_smile:


Thanks Giztop for the terrible consumer experience. :expressionless:
It made me appreciate 10 times more to receive from Linsoul a purchase:
-in time
-well packed
-mint condition
Relativity is cool ! :love_you_gesture:

The Monarch Mk2 are really gorgeous and nice fit. They might win my heart over the XennUp.


They are the best ThieAudio has made and they have made some good ones.
They do look amazing and sound fantastic. Congrats.

And fuck Giztop.

“Is Giztop trustworthy” answer is no.

For the search spiders :space_invader:


It has been 5 minutes I try to place back the cable in the box, I don’t know what black magic has been used initially, or if I should simply accept I will never work in the packaging team of ThieAudio


Nice pic, that faceplate is so awesome.

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@hawaiibadboy I just realised you sound almost exactly like Mark Wahlberg.

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You apparently had a need to belittle me, that I don’t understand, as you were not part of the conversation, but decided to go into it with a less than nice remark. You seem to still have a need for that, but I suggest, you send me PM’s, as this is not something everybody wants/needs to be part of. Unless you need the audience of course.

I am done with this childish behaviour, but please continue.

He gave an opinion,
you called it a stereotype,
he gave an example
you switched from him having stereotypes
to me having a fucking narrative?

How about you having a weird habit of dismissing others and inserting your own narrative with a buncha B.S.

Not interested in a reply and since you said you were leaving, I expect none.

Ironic that a response to reviewers and hype men being sociopaths…a guy who claims to part of that world turns up acting tone deaf (pun intended)

Grew up in Hawaii but was born across the street from Billy Squire
Never lost the accent…crazy how that happens. Hawaii is a poi dog mixplate. No accent to replace it just some pidjin :hibiscus:



I don’t know what library they took for their tuning, but it seems to me there is much bass for a vocal centric iem :thinking:

The EDM is the Bass king. That set hits harder than my ASG 2.5
They nailed that part.