Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

A retuned FH3. Quite interested to see where this goes since I originally like the FH3.

Iā€™m more interested in folks who said Mele was bassy or lacked treble are going to say at 3x the price :thinking:


Thatā€™s the reason I wonā€™t pay x3 price for it, not to mention itā€™s Fiio (blacklisted).
Tuning has nothing to do with price

I slammed FH5s and FiiO slammed the door on me.
If Tinhifi had done that after EVO vid the T3+ woulda never been sent and hyped so f*** FiiO

I support Crin but am interested in how the talking points on a 1DD with less bass and same treb roll at $50 are going to handle it at $150

He tuned DAWN. Put a DD in that tuning and get the price down and Iā€™ll hype that all day long for him and be happy for him and the buyers of it.
Iā€™ll be chatting with him during my Christmas break so maybe I can probe if something like that is coming.


I agree, 100$ markup will be hard to be justified with similar-ish tuning. But I guess his fans will buy it either way, after all, FH3 is often recommended as one of IEMs to buy in this price range.

Totally agree with that. :smiley:

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Wait, is it a DD? Im assuming itā€™s an hibrid due to it being a retuned fh3.

Im confused now lol. Fiio :person_facepalming:

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Ignore me, Iā€™m talking pish

Meant Mele critics being handed close to same thing at 3x the cost. Wanna watch that :face_with_monocle:

My wording is so fucked upā€¦sorry bout that @nymz :sweat_smile:


Oh, I got it now. Yes, that is 100% happening. People still canā€™t figure out that tuning has nothing to do with money.

The moment I saw Fiio, I cringed. Iā€™m betting it will still have the FH3 timbre and coherency problems -.- Guess we gotta wait a couple days plus the burn in time from fiio reviewers to get a useless look into it, am I right?

@hawaiibadboy u getting a sample from Crin? Since Fiio has probably blacklisted you


How can you blacklist one of the most legit reviewers?ā€¦



The FH3 is my favorite purchase in the hobby so far, but since I EQ I canā€™t say that Iā€™m interested in paying for a tuning adjustment.


Yeahā€¦ after being disappointed with the Blessing 2 out of the box and toying with EQ, I am wondering if there is much of a point in getting anything else. Would be nice to just plug your IEMs into any source and have them sound great, but at this point I have an eq setup for all my devices and spending another couple hundred dollars just to skip eq? Iā€™d rather buy a Qudelix5kā€¦

Getting a competent 50$ IEM and an EQ gets you 95% of the way in my (limited) experience.

That being said, I never listened to a tribridā€¦


The perfect storm is coming. :comet:

Sellers are given marching orders by manufacturers or they lose their share of pre order sales hype and other stuff or lose the right to sell the goods period.

It takes a village to build a hype train.
1 reviewer with juice and some good initial buyer feedback.

It takes 1 guy to blow that train off the tracks if he does so before the village gets hands on it.

Companies are not gonna risk it for the biscuit. ( Nod to Bruce Arians)

Have you heard the Dunu Falcon PRO? Great driver ( they say repeatedly), amazing shell. and borked the most important partā€¦tuning.
Watching folks balance their relationship with Dunu while not bullshiting their viewers at the same time is more facinating than the best psychology classes :sweat_smile:


Damn. By FR alone I thought that this was some kind of alternative to the qkz vk4 with MSRP of $15, but Crin outplayed me here.

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LOLā€¦But surely honest reviews based on reviewer libraries is what companies want? least this way more folks will be happy with their purchases as theyā€™ll be closer to their sonic preferences and library requirementsā€¦hyping wack or lame sets pisses folks off and works in a negative way for any future purchases from that companyā€¦well thatā€™s how I see it anyhow :man_shrugging:


Unfortunately itā€™s not how it worksā€¦ just looks at Dsnuts of HFI, every new set is greater than last weeks set. Next weekā€™s set will reach level 9000.

Not to mention to this day, not a single graph was given by him, it was all measured by his golden ears.
He was shilling the f**k out of GK10, comparing them with x10 price sets, denying or ignoring qc issues. Previous week it was Fiio FD7, next week it will probably be FDX etc. And people will fall for his sweet words.


That was my same take when I heard someone compare the KATO and Mele. Why would I pay 4 times the money for less bass, and otherwise similar sound until about 9kHz?

After all the Moondrop cable connector issues on Aria, and paint on Starfield, I donā€™t trust them to make anything. The Aria didnā€™t survive for 6 months, and it didnā€™t leave my desk ā€¦ so Moondrop needs to figure something out. The old SSP is my going for a walk IEM, so I know they can do it, they just havenā€™t for a while.


You and I are rational and care about the future, and think the things we do today will have an impact on future events, and the behavior of others. This is where we differ from the sale and marketing asshats. Typically they are sociopaths and donā€™t correctly understand humans very well, since they are barely part of the same species.

I spent a bunch of time writing software for a sales company. They did in home sales to fix peopleā€™s basements, and the products were too expensive. They would ask me to do things in the sales software and I would have to tell them ā€œif you tried to frame the sale to me like that, I would tell you to get out of my homeā€, and they would respond with ā€œyou are just a hard sellā€, and I would do it, then it would blow up as predicted, and they would come back and ask how I knew that and I always said ā€œbecause I am not a fucking sociopathā€. Most top level sales and marketing people are not wired correctly.


Well, to stereotype like this is very human, we all do it all the time. But we are also wrong most of the time; we donā€™t like people we donā€™t know and we are quick to put people in same boxes and then say they are all a like.
I am sorry about your bad experiences with sales and marketing people, but WE are not all asshats.

Actually some of us are quite nice and I am sure you would like me if we met :wink:

Peace :clown_face: