Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)


Different pictures of the same objects can give such different feelings.
I was about to write “they look super sleek”
And then I remembered that when looking on Linsoul I was thinking “what a boring look”
so it seems they need shadow to shine

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Out of curiosity: can this thing be driven/tested without any filter thingy?

It loses all the bass with no filters

Filters, dip switches or thingies then…


I do like the possibility to tune the iem. I think it is wise to offer it since we all have different ears and different taste. It enables it to please to a broader range of users. It’s not a one size fits all type of thing.
Got the LZ A7 on 1111 for 206USD and I must say I really like the possibilities it offers to match my mood or the music I intend to listened to.


I get that too or just get an agreeable set that plays well with your library and then tip swap …ie FH7’s did nothing well for me…spent more time…

filters than enjoying my music :man_shrugging:

…Oh and there’s EQ



I agree with what you say. I just consider it to be another tool to tailor the sound. It has its limitations just like tips and eq have.
As for the just get a set that do well with all your librairy, it works well for a cohesive library. I listened to a variety of type of music. With my a7, I found a configuration that does well with everything without excelling at any. If I want a more analytical listening session or a more fun one, I would have to get multiple iems so considering cost it can be an affordable option. (Ie A balanced one, an analytical one and a fun one ie V shaped)
Anyways there is no right or wrong in this hobby everything can be justifiable.
The goal is that everyone enjoy their music in the end.


Amen to that :raised_hands:


To add another variable for IEMs (as if what we all need is another variable) On my Ibasso DX312, using Fir Audio VxV IEMs, I bought, just for giggles, a ddHiFi 2.5 female to 4.4male adapter and, yep, it sounds different than the Ibasso 2.5 to 4.4 that I’d been listening to…

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Have an i3 Pro in the mail traveling, but watching one review sort of got me worried.
Namely, and i quote "They come with a copper cable, which unfortunately is only 5N copper, not a big deal but knowing many brands come with 6N and purity is one of the biggest things that improves the quality of the sound coming through… "

And to think i was amped, to realize that i could have gotten 20% more quality of the sound coming through… Thats how the math works right? 5N + 20% = 6N.
If they only didnt cheap out on that 1N, damn it.
The guy was so soothing and confident, video with higher than average production value made with good equipment, he must know what hes talking about.

Need emotional support, stat. :smiley:


Ask seller for 20% refund because of worse cable :grin:


5N simply means it is 99.999% pure.

6N is 99.9999% pure.

IRL? means nothing…


I was eyeing those before getting the Timeless, but the comparison that @Rikudou_Goku made got me intrigued and got them based on that. So i will be asking my 20% refund from him.

Yeah but electrons that travel through the cable and are basically the band are so small that 0.0009 difference to them is same as 20% to us humans, my math checks out. So i dont buy it, i think youre just trying to make me feel better :cry: .

Yeah i know about the differences, i suppose sarcasm gets lost at times in textual form :slight_smile: . It was a critique of how misinformation is spread.


When folks break voodoo into %'s…you should click out.

When you have to explain a joke :man_facepalming:


Check the brand new episode that came out today…lmfao


They are finally here and the hype is real and well deserved… These are spectacular at $200… Hell I’m willing to say they are spectacular at $600… Once again thank you Chris for another Solid recommendation… You have golden ears my man… Like always much love from the 305 and i can’t wait to see your Christmas decoration spectacular… This will be my 4th year i think?? Damn how time flies.


Glad you like em bruh!!
I am working on the display right now :cold_face:



Did you take down your Bqeyz Autumn video ?
Or am I tripping?

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