Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Even for £49, I’d say it’s still a steal for its sound quality.

It better beat Mele, or else I’m sending you my pair of GK10.


W2 and RU6 have similarities yes.
If you want playback capacity, the S2 is a solid choice. However if solely for a MEST, maybe not the best choice as it is a bit warmer.

W2 is a solid choice, worked with many sources and IEM.

RU6, it has a pleasant sound, some says more analog but I am not expert enough to hear that.
A wider soundstage, yes. With the Mest mk2 you get a nice clarity as well.
The RU6 has still few artefacts depending of the source and use, I guess we will need to wait few Firmware updates for it to be as bulletproof as the W2.

So, riskless choice: W2. However I see some reviews of people preferring the RU6 to the W2.
I admit I am still in the honeymoon phase with the RU6, but it is still very similar to W2.


Sources or IEMs? It’s sounding quite a lot like the Penon Globe.

I can personally recommend the Hidizs S9 Pro. Clean and powerful little DAC/Amp. It draws a lot of power though, so careful with battery life!

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Over the weekend, I’ve been comparing the ie900 (which I just received) against my Fir Audio VxV. The mids on the VxV are really something else. So too the bass. Treble is probably the weakest link in the chain. Nice but not overly precise. I’m returning the ie900 for several reasons (fit), but a significant one is the recessed mids. Vocals on the VxV, both male and female, have a real bite - an edge if you know what I mean.


I got my eye on that new $3,800 flagship :drooling_face:


the Xenon 6 is indeed beautiful, but no idea how it will sound.

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Kinetic BASS…I really hope so :two_hearts:


Really bruh? $ year member with 4 posts and my vid got to ya :laughing:

These 2 sets are not radically different yet sound radically different.

Driver quality matters.
You either believe that a freq graph tells the story or you don’t. Adding in shell type and other just is a walk away from your first sentence.

Why not sell off the Dusks?
Cuz KZ is there…or not?
Not right?
That was my ******* POINT


I’m not sure who the market is for the new Frontier line up?? Their intro M-series was/is primarily geared towards musicians. They also make a line of cleaning/vacuum kits. Kanye West is (per the web site) using the M5 on his current tour. But it’s only – ONLY!!! – $2,800, lol.

Fir Audio is an interesting Company, introducing lots of innovations. But I think they are trying to find their niche. The founder of Fir was the CEO of 64 Audio of the U12t fame - which also geared much of the iems to musicians.

IMHO, the VxV is a steal. Not for everyone, but it’s like a nice, refreshing punch in the face compared to a lot of “safe” iems.


IEMs! For the source I should probably be looking at something that aims to eek out detail and brightness if I am going for a warmer IEM, to complement each other.

64 Audio has great customer service unlike Empire Ears and JH Audio.
If that guy came from 64…that’s a good thing for many reasons :+1:

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I could not agree any more.

Driver quality matters big time.

Frequency Response is one thing that any driver could get right if tuned properly. Technicalities are a whole different beast though.


Thank you, RU6 seems really impressive, considering its price tag being $50 cheaper than the W2, tough choice for me then since clarity is one of my preferences.

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Thanks for your detailed comparison, I think I’m leaning towards the W2, and so I just read an impression of the new W2-131 on Head-fi and really looking forward to the day of pre-order. I’m thinking of waiting a week from now, and if L&P don’t announce anything then I will be getting the RU6 instead since it’s been a while and I literally don’t have anything to drive my Mest yet.

I might be wrong ( operating from memory here ), but I thought the Final A3000 and A4000 came out in between the Starfield and Aria, but closer to the Starfield.

I remember trying out a Starfield a long time before I was excited by the news of the A4000 - let’s see, from what I can find the A4000 came out a year after the Starfield, and then the Aria came out about 4 months after the A4000. Not that it matters, but became curious!

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Wrong thread?

Oh crap!!! yes wrong thread, sorry moving now…