Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

He got a 64 U12t.
Investment v.s. return…quite good


Wow that DAP must’ve been very good! My neighbourhood actually had no internet and my mobile coverage was down for the day a few days ago.

I had no way of music streaming so my A55 have been really helpful and pretty much solidified my decision to get the WM1A.

Plus, it’s my dream DAP to get so that’s the goal :smile:

It really was never too late! I think I’m lucky a lil bit since the DAP is being made here, I’m able to go to the Sony Service center here to do maintenance if I need to.

I was originally put off as well before getting the A55, but after getting it and bought an extra cable for the cheap, it’s not much of a hassle and the cable is pretty small.

No regrets getting it and the battery life have been phenomenal. 3 days without charge for me after applying MrWalkman’s firmware with about 4 - 5 hours of listen per day.


Anyone with experience with the Mackie mp series IEMs?

very interested in the MEXT :star_struck:


Japan-Fi $100 Range

Acoustune RS ONE


After market filters and job done…


oh thank god for that graph…was pretty interested in it…


unlisted. Will make public tomorrow or depends on if a set arrives today or not


Received the i3 Pro, and there was a pretty nice gift included in the package. If they treat all customers like this then i can say they are good guys and know whats important in the business.
Or maybe this was your doing @Rikudou_Goku ? Did you tell them i complained(jokingly) about the included cable being only 5N copper ? :slight_smile: .

Will throw my thoughts on “paper” in few days i suppose.
Oh and Goku, you mentioned weird decompression issue on the set you reviewed… I dont know if on mine that effect is too exaggerated, as i find them very uncomfortable to use with rubber/silicone tips, only foam. With silicone, after the eardrum bursting insertion, it takes 5-10 seconds to decompress and start sounding normal.
Mine are with tiny holes steel mesh(not like the one in advertisements) and also have a nylon mesh underneath it.

@hawaiibadboy i know you mentioned you also had them, what are your thoughts on pressure buildup while inserting them?


This moment I realize I have the 4 of them and I don’t know if I should thank you or blame you!
But it is true they are 4 I keep and don’t intend to sell.

Merry Christmas all!

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Different from this?

Different ears might have a different effect.


Same one on mine. On ali ads it has sort of rectangular holes so i assumed maybe theres different versions, as removing the grill makes the pressure bit less uncomfortable though still not good, so the dual layered grill and tiny holes definitely has a part in it.

I really doubt this, if you have a good seal while inserting, pressure is pressure no matter what type of ear you have. Though how deep you insert will have effect. I tend to shove my iems as far as they can go in. Using larger silicone tips than i usually do, and having shallow fit makes the situation more bearable. Still not ideal though, but i guess sacrifices would need to be made, as compared to CP100 i feel foam kills the soundstage.
Very bad decision imo going without a nozzle vent when air cant escape more freely from the body vents. They should have at least put a small one and cover it with paper. Id gladly sacrifice tiny bit of bass but not need to deal with the present issue.

Im holding off buying somethings atm to see how the MEXT turns out.
Hoping its my endgame basshead set.


If I have to make a guess, I would say they will compare to the EVO, slightly more bass impact, just to flip off EE. But for sure it won’t shine in the other part of the FR as much as the MEST or Monarch mk2.

They probably still want to sell more MEST, so this one will be a complementary set.


I am extremely stoked for MEXT. I want a BCD that you can feel a bit and hear. I’m told this set does that clearly so…I’m stoked.

If Bonhams kick drum vibes my ear a bit …I’m gonna lose a nut


So a cool dude at Crin’s Discord shared this EQ settings to help me audition XENNS UP on Tanchjim Tanya. The result? I’m this close to be convinced to just buy the damn set. Just can’t decide whether to pick up Tea first or just dive straight in to XENNS UP and burn my wallet.

Edit: on a second thought I think the punch/slam is a bit too much and I’d prefer a little more sub bass.


As we approach the 26th, I wonder when you will look at your house and say “fuck, I need to remove all of the decoration now”


The entire inside decor was removed today.
The outside will come down after 31st.
I figure over course of 2 weeks I’ll get it all down and stored.
It would be easy if i had a team but I do not…work well with others.
Hope you enjoyed Christmas :snowman: :santa:

The star up on top of the tree is 70cm which is about the size of a 4-5 year old kid. That thing is way up there


Looking forward your MEXT impressions, I’d like more midbass and body that I didn’t find on Mest Mk2


Enjoying my Oracles in between time with the family :sparkles:

I can see why @hawaiibadboy ranks these so high. Exceptional Tuning. A masterclass in balanced sound.