Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Look pretty dope. Will graph tomorrow


Really interested in how this graphs & your opinions on it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Edit: Also, damn Kinera really knows how to make gorgeous looking IEMs. I don’t think I have yet seen any by them that did not look at least good.


These Iduns are so beauitful I could cry.


From Wiki. I was wondering what it meant on the box: " A fruit of youth is always prepared".

In Norse mythology, Iðunn (Old Norse: [ˈiðonː]) is a goddess associated with apples and youth. Iðunn is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In both sources, she is described as the wife of the skaldic god Bragi, and in the Prose Edda, also as a keeper of apples and granter of eternal youthfulness.

The Prose Edda relates how Loki was once forced by the jötunn Þjazi to lure Iðunn out of Asgard and into a wood with the promise of apples even fairer than her own. Þjazi, in the form of an eagle, abducts Iðunn from the wood, bearing her off to his home. Iðunn’s absence causes the gods to grow old and grey, and they realize that Loki is responsible for her disappearance. Under duress, Loki promises to bring her back and, setting out in the form of a falcon, eventually finds her alone at Þjazi’s home. He turns her into a nut and flies back toward Asgard. When Þjazi returns to find Iðunn gone, he assumes his eagle form once more and flies off in hot pursuit of Loki and his precious burden. The gods build a pyre in the courtyard of Asgard and, just as Loki has stopped short of it, kindle it. Unable to halt his frenzied onrush, Þjazi plunges headlong through the fire, falling to the ground with his feathers aflame, whereupon the gods attack and kill him.

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Can’t find anything about these, but single DD and fascinating FR have me really curious. Sorry if you’ve written up / videoed more about this done this post!


Visual is beautiful, Graph is not triggering any particular feeling, I will wait for your review!

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Wow…educational moment.

3.5Khz proped up like that. No no.
I isolated with filters bands of 2Khz in width and when centered on 3.5 it overwhelms my ears with Ozzy and Neil Young (Old Man) and even Jimi Hendrix (little Wing) vocal harmonics.

Never stop learning.
1st came into hobby and thought 8Khz was my weak spot. (cuz others said it so much??)
It turns out that can bork the tuning but it is not truly offensive.

5Khz was my next spot. Whie not ideal…after today and tripping on several male tracks I am watching out for that and particularly with BA

I am on Vacation so figured whip out a fast intro and proceed. (9)

I will not do that again.


The Dekoni ad is working great. I am considering offering money to the forum just so they remove it forever.


It gets worse each time I browse through the forum.

My soul is starting to burn from those eye lasers.


I just blocked that eye sore.


I feel incredibly stupid and regret learning that only now. Thanks!

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LOL… I had been looking at that eyesore and wondered why adblock wasn’t blocking and the comment you made …made me try harder :sweat_smile:
Bye bye DMS and some dude I don’t know


Final ZE3000 TWS

I am final…y getting into wireless.
I have been rejecting offers for 2 years and now it’s time to move into the wireless realm


Did you measure both channels by any chance? @Rikudou_Goku reported severe imbalance issues with several Final Audio products.

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Nope I did not


Still wanna hear the A8000’s that could well be my detail bitch :+1:


It has no shortage of detail…NO SHORTAGE of that :slight_smile:

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Are you going to buy Noble Fokus Pro TWS?