Lessons learned from tuning and reviewing but mostly tuning.
Estat can take more input but also can be tuned a bit lower than BA and DD
BA’s are often cited as being just alright for bass. I’d argue they are mostly weak in treble.
Timbre…grainy. Tonality, inauthentic
Hey Chris I have a question hanging around, I understand that a hybrid/trybid IEM is tuned via component selection and adjusting the crossover board making thinks towork together in a way, but how do you tune a DD?, I mean, the small differences between Olina and O2, being the same driver, how are obtained? is there some kind of circuit inside a DD?TIA
In this post there is basic answer from great Oratory1990 on what affects the final sound in typical DD headphone
I am sure HBB would give more insights from his perspective, however based on the fact that Olina uses O2 driver as a base not many things could be adjusted in it itself but in acoustic chamber around mostly
DD drivers are like tiny versions of home speakers and are tuned by the enclosure (volume/material) mostly, though you can alter the driver by changing material behind the polepiece or in front
the 02 driver did not work in the Mele shell. It worked pretty much perfect in a Mele body with a new nozzle and the driver at a tiny angle.
Mike Bruce of Short Bus spent a good while taking apart mele and driver.
It is an absolute tank build
Olina is same. The “Seat” for the driver to sit in is machined into body.