Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

By contrast, I was intrigued by the shallow nozzle because any deep fitting IEM ends up sounding skewed for me. My right ear canal is sort of narrow and bent, so deep fitted-tips blasts sound straight into a wall of cartilage.
I always have to raise volume by 10-15% on R because of it… not so with shallow fit IEMs like OH10.

Very stoked for Kinda Lava :stuck_out_tongue:


I had the chance to buy the last one but wasn’t sure since it graphs similar to the Hana and I can’t listen to that set at high volume without it killing my ears :sweat_smile: Might be a bit too v-shaped for me… that, and curious to how the mid-bass effects overall resolution. The colorway looks sick so I’m gonna wait for some reviews :facepunch:


Letshuoer says that they’re prepping an individual page for the Kinda Lava; although they will be back at MSRP, Letshuoer’s been pretty good with the sales so far this year, so maybe keep your fingers crossed for an upcoming holiday?


Letshuoer is good at sales thanks to the evaluation of people like us who write here and evaluate the product without financial or other support. In the beginning, many “great” presenters spoke negatively about EJ07m, which does not give people a clear idea of its capabilities. I say once again - 07m is at the top of the tonal setting and is almost at the top of the technical parameters! :relieved:


Yep, I ended up using the neutral silver module over the gold and black.

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I just had a thought - what if the neutered width and holography of the EJ07m compared to the OG EJ07 is only due to insertion depth limitation?

I mean since the nozzle is shorter on the EJ07m, that must play a role no?

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Yes, this may be true. I find that the soundstage with the right eartips has become much larger and holographic, the depth also improved, there are elements that go to infinity in the soundstage. Unfortunately, I haven’t listened to OG and I can’t compare them. My ear canals are shallow and I have no problem with the short nozzle. A problem with holography can be in people with long ear canals and larger ears - the distance to the eardrum will be much greater and the 3D effect may be lost. :cowboy_hat_face:


Now I’m curious which tips you’re using with yours!

Any recommendations? Any tips to stay away from?

I use silicone tips size L of B2 and the others are similar in shape to AZLA Senda light size M, but I do not remember their name.

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Can someone forward me discord server link? KZ, HBB’s server and Crin’s server too.
All the previous links which were shared are expired now.

As a hardcore Letshuoer fan and who onboarded the 07 OG shortbus almost 2yrs ago, I also found it strange why quite a few rated the 07 series in such “not accurately” way - I’m no reviewer nor “that hardcore” but I have listened quite a few various IEMs over the years in various shows/shops that 07 OG absolutely blown me away when I took the “blind” plunge purchase after trawling through all the reviews (hugely appreciated for both HBB & Redrol’s review/ranking).

Chris and Michael rank 07 OG so high for a reason - because they as music lovers truthfully shared that it is a f’in amazing set. Somehow few seemed to have different view (which is fine as we are all different with different library & preference) but felt sorry such an amazing gem still yet to be discovered by more (of course meant no offence $500~600 is serious amount of money)

Will be excited to see how the latest iteration go with folks who ordered as I held out thinking 07M already at time too much bass :grimacing:



I was spending some time to listen similarly tuned three IEMs

I usually use SF CP100(L) or CP145(L) as the first steps in ear tips rolling. The story for Mele and T3+ is short and ends at CP145. On the other hand, Lea isn’t made for this kind of tips.

The relatively long and slim nozzle has a wide opening, which creates another cavity at the air duct and Lea become dull-sounding. So, the well-known solution for this kind of earphones is wide bore tips, so I used old Sony EP-EX1 and similar (slightly stiffer) tips from Mele, with an oring spacer for better stereo image and soundstage control.

It improves the bass (become cleaner) and adds a more spacious presentation for the mids and treble. However, the stereo image was too forwarded for me. I went further in my tips collection and currently stop at Acoustune AET07(L).

I know that lot of us is disappointed with Tripowin Lea and looking for improvement… of course, we’re people with different music taste and different ears, so please share your opinion and findings.

For me, Lea with AET07 is far better than any KZ and CCA that I listened to so far (I’m still waiting for KZ X HBB DQ6S). BTW, I’m waiting for another two HBB’s IEMs… you know which ones :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



You called it Moondrop Volume :joy: I know why, but it will bust searches for people using your squig :grimacing:


LOL, thanks for catching that :man_facepalming:


AKA the Toyota Volume lol.


Softears B2 D :sweat_smile:


Me until Kinda Lava is in my ears

@shuoer pls begin shipping or I will :skull:



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