Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Keeping it old school for this weekend’s listening. :wine_glass:


@hawaiibadboy is everything ok with the channel ?


Seing the same thing. Did it got hacked or something?

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Defo a hack. Have seen other channels get got by cryptoscams.

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it’s even worse now. there are scam livestreams up and all the old content has been nuked

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I hope the vids weren’t deleted and only privatized like I’ve seen previously :pray::grimacing:


Shiiiit hope he can get the channel back with all vids, would be a shame to lose someone like him to such a-holes :x


Chris, I hope you will regain access to your account and you have secured a backup of your work so far.


Someone needs to contact Musk on twitter and tell him this is being broadcast on a highjacked channel

Holy mother of uploads! This looks serious!

The channel appears to be renamed.

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fugg I’m so devastated!

Just checked YT, and there is no trace of any videos or any trace of the channel :frowning:

Man I’m all in! For BGG!

if they didn’t archive their videos on another storage source… welk, smh. :grimacing:

I also just checked Youtube. All gone from searches, my subscribed list, and videos saved to folder for audio related vids. Dissapointing but hopefully he’ll be back soon. Youtube has been purging videos both manually and through its infamous algorithym for months now. From what I’ve read its mostly been COVID related/mentioning and politically oriented material (before mid-terms this fall?). Anyway, no matter the issue, I hope he is back soon. Such a great channel.

the channel was obviously hacked (i hope). it’s not the first time one of the channels i’ve subbed to has fallen victim to something like this, but stil… what the actual fuck. i’m sorry this happened to you @hawaiibadboy and this will probably be an absolute nightmare to deal with. was your account secured with 2fa? either way, i wish you good luck with the google overlords


It wasn’t deleted it was hacked while I slept

They hacked my Gmail and played with YT till it got locked.
Lost an email i had for 15 years and YT and tons of other stuff like pictures of my cats that passed away and just tons of stuff

please subscribe while I do this again


Sorry to hear, that is some unwelcome and unnecessary shit to deal with for you.