Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

That really sucks, so sorry man.

Hey man, sorry to hear that! I did found very strange the whole “crypto invest channel” ou of the blue, with a bunch of live videos at same time no less.

Already subscribed to the new one, and hopping you tube could help with this case. Although considering the situation with Crinacle I don’t have much faith.

Damn, that just sucks. I don’t subscribe to youtube channels as a rule, but I’ll make an exception for this.

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What is this , related to my channel? any link?

If it happened like this, is there any hope that the account can be returned?

probably no


I’ve seen that before. It’s extremely annoying but I’ve seen people recovering their channel. (crinacle is different as it was unrelated to youtube but google itself).

BGGAR should contact via Twitter as they reply faster and it seems quicker to get answers.


How can they turn off 2 step without me approving the unusual login?

If anyone can help me I got cash.
Youtube seems …there is no form. just instructs which don’t work cuz the hacker changed everything after jumping over 2 step authentication


the quickest option is gonna be contacting youtube on twitter via dms (after leaving a comment under a tweet), support sucks for creators


there isn’t much you can do in terms of making your account more secure, use apps for 2fa instead of SMS if you haven’t already, change your passwords to random strings instead of using words, that’s presuming youtube will even be able to recover your account (they should it’ll just take a while)

They can’t be DM’d

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you have to comment under a post/make a tweet/whatever so you get a reply then follow each other as twitter is, even then you’ll likely be given a form/redirected to an account recovery team + a google form to get your info which i’m not sure they’ve automated yet


I’d say start with the Gmail/Google account - they’re FAR more likely to take that seriously.

Escalate as far as you can, tag @Google; good luck man, sorry you have to deal with this bullshit.

You can read more about this nonsense here: Google Online Security Blog: New research: Understanding the root cause of account takeover

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This. Go wild on Twitter tagging them and pray it works. Seems it’s not that easy to get their attention.

Good luck :pray:

Chris didn’t you get locked out of one of your accounts recently?..could be some sort of malware/trojan that you down loaded by accident that’s the cause of the security breach :man_shrugging:…


Sorry this has happened to you Chris, it sucks!

I can’t help but check your phone number hasn’t been hijacked immediately as that is the first and easiest point of attack for any security.

Also an advice to security, it is best to have minimal ways of recovering your account as they are all entry points of stealing your account and if it is possible never use your phone number as a recovery method or 2FA by SMS.

Regarding to the 2FA question, I don’t know how you have it set up but look into the setting of your 2FA app settings and make sure it isn’t shared across your account as hackers with your email can circumvent the 2FA. Alternatively, the better method of 2FA for your gmail is to use a hardware 2FA such as a Yubikey, without it the hacker won’t be able to log into your account without physically touching your hardware 2FA unless you have it to remember your computer, but at this point the hacker will need to have control over your machine, though they wouldn’t be able to override your 2FA as they will need physical access to that. Please note though if your hardware 2FA is lost or broken, you are screwed so it is best to have 2, 1 as a back up and 1 you use on a regular basis. If you must have a recovery method in fear of losing your account forever, create an email you don’t use online for anything and secure it using a password manager.

With all that said, hopefully you get back your account.


It’s cookies , they steal cookies.


Sorry for not answering, it was already late here so I went to bed. Good to hear Google is at least moving, I will definitely keep an eye out for this story.

If you need anything we can do here on the forum please post here. You did help the community in a lot of different ways, so nothing more fair than helping you back when needed. At the very least we can make noise into Google’s and You Tube’s accounts on Twitter to guarantee they’re solve your problem.