Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

well … fuck. at least one of your devices still has malware on it (probably not a mobile device). try a scan with malwarebytes or something. but personally i’d either nuke my shit and set it up again, or switch to a device on which you didn’t open any suspicious emails

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Fingers crossed for this to be solved fast.

They know that they have a security issue. They must have already a protocol to address it.

Keep us posted, please.

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Re-subbed natch.
Fingers crossed you can recover some content but total bummer to lose the irreplaceable stuff…that sucks big time.

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Gave a resub immediately. Those who are passionate and sincere in thia hobby deserve a following. Those in the hobby look forward to your contributions, regardless the platform.

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Can someone share Chris’s Discord Server Link?

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Chris, I keep my fingers crossed🤞 I hope they fix your channel ASAP.


Dude, sucks that this happened to you. I subscribed again and hope this is resolved quickly. Your channel and work is the best! As others have said, if there is anything we can do, please let us know. You are appreciated man!


Just saw this. Hope it gets sorted out soon for you. =(

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Good news.

Youtube support has gone back and forth with me over 5 mails (From them ) in 24 hours.
Looks like getting my channel back is happening.
Have to get my associated gmail restored first then access acount and dispute a strike due to the hackers video which got the strike. :thinking:
Small price to pay.

“Session Cookies” …watch out with using autofill in Chrome. It has been ruining a buncha channels in the latest waves of hacks.
If they get the Session Cookies they get your saved passkeys and 2FA does nothing
I repeat…2FA cannot prevent a total hijack in 5 minutes. (3 minutes actually)

The site was sold on darkweb in minutes
The site ran a crypto currency livestream within 30
The site was locked 5 hours later.

My site was jacked with 2 mails both sporting 2FA

I’ll share all the info in a video.


Fingers crossed that you get it sorted soon!


Noice well done sir…


Chris hopefully you’ll get all your family and personal pictures etc back too :pray:


Oh yeah! So happy that everything seems sorted out.

I will see the video where you explain the whole process, it will be interesting for other people that could end in the same situation. Ohmboy sent that news about the stealing of cookies, but it’s the first time that I have read about it. It doesn’t seem ok that they could override the 2 step authentication system…

In Spanish we say “bien está lo que bien acaba” would be like “it’s all good if it ends ok”


Oh…we almost had it right now but they did not reset the hacker’s tel # as the recovery # :man_facepalming:

Almost there though



Glad to hear things are coming along man. Sucks you have to deal with this :frowning:


Dude glad they can recover it for you man! Hope it’s smooth sailing now :pray:

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Finally made an account after months and months of creeping around… I was so sad to see your channel go, chris. This Forum has helped me and entertained me more than almost anything else out there for the past 4 months or so. I hope you can recover it without any hiccups, Chris!


@hawaiibadboy Were you using the built in Chrome password manager? If you were I’d recommend using Bitwarden, its a freemium and open source password manager. Let the app generate a random 20+ digit password and save it for you. I’d also recommend the google authenticator app for 2fa. Don’t bother with SMS or Email for 2fa.

When both of those are setup, its much much harder for someone to log in.

Source: I work in tech and our CTO is hard in to requiring all employees use this to log in to our website admin back end. People try and hack us and do phishing emails all the time but with the use of Google Authenticator app they can’t get in even if they have our log in info.


Good to see things are getting sorted out Chris.

In browser settings it’s good to clear data when the browser is closed. This will remove cookies and also any session data, this will go some way to preventing the session being hijacked. If you login to any account and then visit a nefarious site it will still be able to happen but if you close down the browser being going to anything potentially bad then this can help.

Although determining what is bad vs good can be difficult.