Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I wonder if it’s single or multiple DDs :thinking:

Oooh. Is this the Monarch Mkii like planar?? :thinking:
Hmm not quite there in the sub bass for that??

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@hawaiibadboy I was looking at the graph between the P1 MAX, OG Tea, and Tea 2 and they seem similar. As an OG Tea user, would you rec the Tea 2 or the P1 MAX? What’s your opinion regarding these 3 in terms of resolution? :pray:

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how is it compared to the P1 standard… i have a P1 standard and the annoying way to get the power needed (remove from MMCX cable, put in phone, play something, then put them back in so they are on high output) is super frustrating. and when i had it on a song like so appalled by ye (which seems to be bad on a bunch of IEMs because on blon the bass drowned out the rappers), the vocals felt almost scratchy… like it was trying to sound correct but failing

Sorry late reply. I’m on vacation/extended holiday

On sheer res it is P1 max.
Not bassy, scooped, shouty, rolled. Cleanest slate that has a planar in it.
The TEAS have more natural bass



No worries man. Enjoy your vac :sunglasses:


Better than DMAGIC 3D?
I live mine :heart_eyes:


@hawaiibadboy didn’t you try Ace?
Arrived yesterday and I think it’s a fantastic iem, best full BA ever heard and better than Trailli also IMHO
My Aroma collection is growing and i think I’ll buy Jewel also :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:


wow those are some pretty iems. guessing they’re outside of my budget :smile:


I know those are some crazy $$$ sets because I don’t really recognize most of em :sweat_smile: they look beautiful, man. Awesome collection :+1:


@blanche @domq422

First pics:
Oriolus Trailli blue, Aroma Thunder blue with green logo, purple/light blue QDC DMAGIC 3D, green Aroma Duet, Dark blue metal Faudio Dark Sky, Solid steel Acoustune HS1677ss

Second pics:
All Aroma IEMs, Red gold foil is ACE, abalone blue is Thunder, green carbon fiber faceplate is Duet, Ferrari red is Star


Awesome looking glad they give you a sound you like. I agree I will probably never know.:metal:t2:

@hawaiibadboy for the Hybrid War, will you be listening to the Canon on 000 setting? I think you’d probably find 000 most pleasing to your library, but maybe also try 110. Could you graph it by any chance? No one on squig has graphed the Canon, so you’re our only hope!

HBB is quick. Must be the same as Yanyin Canon/ TRN BAX/Kinera URD/ Heartfield DEER Earphones - YouTube but relabeled.

He doesn’t show 110 though

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I am blind. Does Canon combine the two or boost them both?

No he does not but it is obvious he likes the Canon and the Serial


So surprising. After hearing your take on it, I am so tempted to just drop the $20. I have absolutely no use for this set, but I just want to hear what all the fuss is about. Plus, I’ve never tried spring tips so there’s that. I’ll wait it out until they hit Amazon prime and cash in I think.


Don’t buy it. Save for sets you really want
This is a well tuned well built KZ alternative that is better in build and tuning than about all the KZ’s aside from bass…i could use a tad more but otherwise…

Save for stuff you really want/need.