Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

@rattlingblanketwoman @ttorbic Phenomenal rec on the Serial. Right out of the box I found them okay. Heard some potential in them though. Nearly 50 hours of listening on them something changed. Maybe I just needed to adjust to the tuning or let them flex a little longer I’m not even sure.

They’ve been the only IEM my Qudelix 5k has touched in a week. It’s just a superb IEM for everything I’m throwing at; Country, Pop, Rock, EDM, Reggae, Metal, Punk and every other genre I’ve thrown at them. These things just keep eating it alive. Quickly becoming one of the favorites in my collection.


You know, it’s funny you say that. I haven’t had the urge to really cough up coin for just about anything since I bought my last set. My collection seems to do pretty much everything I want. The truly only thing I’m missing, is a high end bass set like the KL. I think eventually I’ll buy the KL when my bank account gains some weight.


Haha nice! Although the credits go to @rattlingblanketwoman for trying out many Penon offerings over the months/years :raised_hands::raised_hands:

Now the million dollar question: Serial or Canon??

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That question gives severe injustice to other for me. They’re both so great. To keep the answer simple though Serial takes the win.

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Wowew you as well! Nice. Which tuning are you using? I’d recommend trying out 010 and 110!

Finally got my CHU’s (4 week wait) took em for a walk with the BTR5… dang these are good $10-$20 more for a detachable cable version and I’d give away all my other beaters :joy:


May I ask what seems to tip
the scales towards the Serial. I more than likely get one of the two. Thanks !

Someone did a mod to make them detachable too!

That is pretty much where I am. Trying to figure out what the next step up looks like for me.

I am wrapping up a move, and figure once we get settled, I will figure out my next step, but I don’t feel like I need anything, more than I want something really nice for the collection, and it will likely be either a KL / EJ07m, or maybe Hekili / Tea2… again not totally sure.

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The true problem is, that we are currently at a buffet. There are just so many amazing options in the hobby that it truly becomes overwhelming and unless you’re loaded with cash or a reviewer that has access to review units, you’re going to miss out on most sets, especially if you live in the states like me where audio stores are basically non-existant. Oh, do I wish I could be a reviewer … just so I can get a taste of everything :sweat_smile:


My biggest push towards the Serial is the bass texture. It has texture that I think just sounds so different and pleasing. It was the first thing that jumped out to me on initial listen. While still standing as the main reason I like them so much. The Canon doesn’t really seem to be doing anything unique here. I guess my take would just be the texture is pretty vanilla.


Is the stock cable that bad?

It’s not that bad tbh. Once detangled and used with the provided earhooks I have no issues with it.

I can agree exactly with this.

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Agree with this.


Which between the Canon, Up, and Lava is your favorite? Which is best value? What are differences in Soundstage, bass speed and impact, treble?

Hbb could you chime in on that question?

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@hawaiibadboy will u get the new thieaudio elixir? I’m so hyped :grin:

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@hawaiibadboy I just want to say thanks for introducing me to the song Kill Jill. It’s a gem and I’m mad it hasn’t been in my life til now. Killer Mike kills it

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Let me get out the UP and compare then chime in later

Not sure? maybe…no

Yeah that is a dope track. Total fire :fire: