Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

OK great thank you!

All three are great choices. Best value simply goes to the Canon for its price to performance ratio. If that’s of big concern to you and would like the ability to switch things up for different tuning I’d say it’s an easy win. I have no major complaints for it.

Up has remained my favorite IEM from nearly the day I bought it. It’s so warm, relaxed and musical engaging for my preference. Up, and a shootout to the Serial, are the only two IEMs I have that just completely relax my mind. They simply allow me to bring in the music and not focus on some technicality, strength or weakness of the IEM or the music. Easily both all day listening choices for my entire library.

I find the Lava great too. It’s just where I start picking up things like more detail, better separation etc. Shifts me to focus on the mastering of the track more. Then I find myself skipping songs that previously wouldn’t have been on the Up and Serial because they don’t seem to fit the tuning.

Sorry this won’t be the technical answer you’re looking for. Hopefully though my rambling will possibly give you something. Maybe some of the veterans can add some technical insight.


No you did an outstanding job of explaining your opinions of the iems I for one apperciate your opinions. :+1:



Was there some big drama in a 50k thread to get it locked?


I love when some of the reviewers are like “just go down to your local audio store and do some demos!” and I’m sitting there just thinking “WHAT AUDIO STORE?” lol. It seems in the US that having higher quality audio/sources is less socially followed compared to other countries. Moat people are happy with their wireless stuff or the (now rarely) included stuff that comes with the phone.

I know that there are stores out there but at least around me there is nothing so having a forum like this and all the reviewers are crucial for me so I don’t make blind purchaces.


Yeah, I uh…what? Pretty sure the thread was there yesterday…

Looks like an attempt to split out the more “off topic” comments by moving them to other threads but by doing so they’ve accidentally tanked the whole thread.!!


Yeah @Ohmboy accidentally ported over too many posts. Hopefully he’ll fix it soon


It’s been locked for maybe 4 days now…

This was super helpful! I keep going back and forth between the serial and the canon. It seems like the serial would make my Olina obsolete whereas the canon would be a good complement. Thoughts?

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Thank you for the insightful comments they are very helpful. Just trying to nail down what’s next. I usually go for a similar tuning as you. More relaxed, engaging, musical, natural, organic etc. Lol I want to sit back and enjoy my music. But also am a bass head that still wants all the other qualities of hi fidelity.

Was also thinking about the Serial somehow forgot to add that one so thanks for the mention. So many good choices.

I have Olina and the Canon. Will feature in my review


Sorry have not heard the Olina

No worries!
I really love reviewer tier lists however I think it would be a huge value add if a reviewer also did an evolution diagram as part of the tier list for situations where they feel like “X is definitely an upgrade to Y” instead of “X is a complement to Y”

That sounds like way too much work to be realistic…

@Certifiedny You just hit every word that I’d say describes the Serial to a tee. Part that worries me is the basshead part. Would hate to tell you it’s a basshead IEM only to find out your a BASSHEAD, lol.

Currently considering myself if I’m a basshead but, after owning the Legend Evo I’m still evaluating that. Though to be transparent it’s the only IEM with that level of bass I’ve heard. There’s was just to much bass, it was all over the place and the quantity took away from other aspects. Sold it super quick. I’ve got the Focus EDM on the way now and excited to try another basshead IEM. See what I think after listening to it. Won’t be as disappointed either way given it’s price in comparison to the Legend Evo.

My opinion is Serial, Canon and Up are more balanced oriented just with a strong emphasis to bass while not cutting strongly or masking other aspects of a song. Unlike the Evo they control it well and add just enough salt to my bass to make it savory and satisfying. All while still allowing me to enjoy the rest of the dish.


I got the Focus Vocal and dang it slams but I don’t think it’s overdone if you heard the TFZ Live 3 it’s pretty much a straight upgrade not sure how different the EDM is but should be similar

Does it? Ill take your word for it. I was thinking just an additive bit to the tier lists that group similar tuning IEMs in the list so IEMs in the same group but different tiers signify an upgrade. Not trying to make work for reviewers! I appreciate all the work you do today!!

Dude, literally! :sweat_smile: I’m not sure why audio hasn’t really caught on here in the states. All of my friends and colleagues just prefer to stick with the airpods or some other wireless option. When I bring up anything that is wired, they gasp and say they would never. I guess the convenience of the Airpods trumps sound quality and ya know what? I can understand that. I feel as though most of those friends aren’t really listening to the music but rather just hearing it in the background.