Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Yes, I thought about it from the start and gave up cuz I realized how much extra work and how much more cluttered the list would be.

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one of my roommates- ā€œwhy do you have so much audio equipment are you opening a radio shack? just get better headphones and only have one pairā€ me to him- ā€œwhy do you have two shoe racks full of shoes they all do the same thing go on your feetā€ him- ā€œNO NO NO they are different!ā€ :joy:


It doesnā€™t help either that most people arenā€™t willing to spend $200+ on a listening device. We all know that there is good audio for cheap out there but we also know that there is much, much better audio.


HA! My point exactly. Iā€™ve been into other hobbies as well, like the sneaker game for example, and this one just happens to be the one that is not only the most welcoming, but the most rewarding for me personally. I remember being in middle school, saving up hundreds of dollars just to buy a pair of shoes I really really wanted. It felt great being able to wear them from time to time for sure. But I feel like audio is just a different experience. I get internal gratification hearing my music at top notch quality, instead of getting external gratification from my friends and strangers with their compliments on my shoes.


I agree. In audio, the sky is the limit. You can spend as much as you want, it seems almost endless in terms of the options. We actually had a collaboration event here at the dealership I work at and a local Audio shop brought over some crazy high end amps and standup speakers and it blew me away. They had 3 different displays with the most expensive being around $100,000 for the total package. It was eye watering. OR you can pick up an apple dongle and a pair of Meles for $60 and have an amazing experience. This hobby is weird, man.


Well actually I may prefer that to actual bass head quantity. Quality with quantity without intruding on other aspects.

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Unique Planar?? Tin Hifi P1 Max Review - YouTube @hawaiibadboy He says the P1 MAX is around the same detail level as the starfields (6:16) :thinking: Thoughts?

Hey bro.
I would have to know some stuff like what parts of what songs to wrap my mind around stuff and he and i have different libraries and i prefer not to give opinions on others opinions when I can.

Besidesā€¦i am enjoying some off time :notes: :partying_face:


You just made my stomach growl. Iā€™m now in search for a midnight snack, anyway happy vacation man!


Wow the water is so blue :hushed: Where is this? Enjoy your vac :sunglasses:

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These kind of mouth watering videos should be illegal!!!

Nevertheless, have a good time :slight_smile:

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Raptgo Hook-X & ISN H50 incoming. Chill, laid back analogue and intense, detailed immersion.

Good times ahead!


@Ohmboy can we get the Olina thread back? :pray:
It sold more in April than March. It has a growing community


Iā€™ll be interested in what you think. I found the sub-bass of the H50 detached (kick drum sounds like itā€™s coming from inside a closet) and there must have been a peak somewhere (8kish region Iā€™d imagine) that caused sharp interruptions to what might have been an ok bassy sound. I didnā€™t think it was very coherent, and my memory of the H40 was better.

Edit: Sorry what a downer, I feel like a jerk for sharing the above opinion before youā€™ve even listened to them. I certainly hope you enjoy it! Iā€™ve seen from other shared reviews that our listening preferences diverge pretty frequently so thereā€™s a good chance it wonā€™t sound like that to you at all. All the best.

All good my friend, Iā€™ll be listening for a detached bass and an 8k peak :sunglasses:

I mean Iā€™m a fan of the GK10* so how bad can it be?

*(With heavy EQ, nozzle filters, anti-resonance tips, balanced copper cableā€¦:sweat_smile:)

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Saw that cable.
Got a woodie and pulled the trigga!!!


Am a bit skeptical of his review of the tin p1max.(biased Asf) Am still waiting for my set to Arrive hopefully it turns to be good planar iem.


She sure is peerrttttyy


I freakinā€™ love the looks of the Turii, super sexy. Excited to hear your impressions. My gut says itā€™s comfortably S tier.


My gut is the same but also well overpriced for what it is. I look forward to the review.