Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Amazon UK are doing the senheiser ie300 for £124 is it a decent dd? I’m on a dd kick after my 2 Acoustune purchases this week.

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detail rich with a bass that some say gets in the way.
“Some say” a lot of crazy shit though.
Senn makes some good stuff. I did a demo but cannot recall what i thought.
Stay on that DD kick. When done well it is epic. My 1st loves in this hobby were the EX 800 and 1000 :heart:


Just found this guy.
Speaks clearly.
I hope he grows :notes: :v:


love the support in this community


This is a dope community :musical_note: :raised_hands: :heart:


That is awesome. I really like stock Olina, and I love the Olina with the double stock filter, so I am really interested to hear more about the Olina SE, and I totally agree that O2 driver is amazing.

We have loads of overlap in our library, and I have found that your tuning preferences tend to be my jam, even when they nudge me out of my comfort zone a bit.

This, absolutely this.

Despite this hobby being about personal preferences, and no two ears being alike, there is a lot of shared effort to help people find the right answer for themselves, both in terms of budget and genres.

Maybe my favorite thing about it - In many hobbies people tend to look down on the budget market, but here people are frequently trying to find the huge value IEMs, even when they already own something that is really pricey and TOTL.


6XX is a solid solid headphone. Only major downside is it has practically no sub-bass despite what the FR would have you believe. But otherwise everything else about it is fantastic, especially for the price. It was my entry into audiophile equipment and I still put it sometimes instead of other much more expensive gear. Not just for nostalgia but for the insanely good out-of-the-box, no-EQ necessary, tonality.

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Woa, that’s some insane weight loss. Congrats!

It’s funny how genetically different people can be because I spend some 6-ish months trying desperately to put on 10 kg and then can drop that 10 kg in a couple months. :man_shrugging:

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On one hand, props to them for listening to feedback. On the other hand… didn’t crin say the tuning was actually pretty good for the price and it was the technicalities and build that were not that good? I can’t imagine they could fix either of those issues in a matter of a few months…

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Depends on the tuning they got right now. If for example its a lack of shell damping, that can be solved in a matter of minutes.


Tuning wasn’t the glaring issue at all it was the toy like quality of the build. Scrap the yolk is what they likely do.
It’s a budget set for them. Felt a bit too budget.
Glad they are doing what’s best in the long run


Interested in your Szalayi thoughts! Taken me a few typings to memorize how to spell that word…

Edit: The Kai has some graphing similarities with the Serial - do they differ just a little (technicalities), or quite a different character in tonality?

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It is so big. HUGE. Fit is nearly impossible.
When I can get some seal the cymbals are quite energized and midbass is a tad lacking for me and my library.


Thanks for the reply! I had just edited in a question about the Kai/Serial if you’re able to comment.

I think Serial is more musical and organic and Kai is kind of dry compared to Serial


He’s really good. We talked some on Discord and he sent me his channel, instant sub. Hope he grows as well!


I was just looking at my graph of the KAI in comparison to yours @hawaiibadboy and the bass on my set seems to be a little different to yours. I know that there are obvious rig differences but our measurements are usually quite close.

I hadn’t actually taken any notice of the graph until now, as I try to avoid any info about sets that I am going to review.

Not that this makes any difference whatsoever to my opinion of them (I can only comment on the ones I hear), but the difference in sub/mid bass did spark my curiosity.

Sub bass falling under my own target at 60Hz and lower than my own target midbass
Below 30Hz and over 8Khz is rig/tip/insertion :v:

You can completely ignore my above comment, I partied far too long and hard last night! I should be banned from reading graphs (and posting) on mornings like this :grin:

I totally forgot that I have your target available on squiglink.

My subbass also has a compensation file used to match Androids rig (which I believe is compensated to match Crins). So that explains the subbass difference.

I’ll go back to bed now :joy: