Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Thanks for the heads up!

Been itching to pull the trigger, but if there’s something new/better, yeah will wait. Is just there’s 10% coupon that valid till end of this month that temped me to check out the set :rofl:

Must resist for another 10 weeks :muscle:

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Fight the urge.
The options will definitely be more
and the prices of some will definitely be down.

Hold that cash. You’ll be feeling good about the decision in about 10 weeks :slight_smile:


Excited for the competition, especially if it’s a clear winner/superior “new” king​:crossed_fingers::muscle: 8 weeks (miscounted) :sweat_smile:

For 11.11 price/sale, I think the current active $15off/discount is hard to beat (probably repeated :man_shrugging:t2:), but hoping to be proven wrong. The hard part after the purchase is waiting 4 weeks for shipping after order :confounded::smile:

I wonder will it be HBB x “planar” :crossed_fingers::fire::pray:


What did you want to buy? :slight_smile: @ Batamphile

I just dropped a WZ review and we share some parts of library, but I’d take HBB’s advice and keep saving.

Game is moving on a ruthless speed. You limp, you get pushed out of competition. It’s an arms race to the gold and, imo, will end up with a great planar for less than current market’s prices.

If you wait, time is working in your favor. Instead of having FOMO, use these weeks to find new music :notes:

Hobby is pushing the rope on both sides. Budgetfi is all but wins for the regular costumer. Summit fi is all about spending college money on sets that get flipped next month. You can pick your poison, but 99.9% won’t have a choice.


Tangzu Zetian
S12 Pro/Z12

Yeah this hobby “new benchmark” do move in crazy speed :grin:

True. I will stick to my S12’s and Olina’s for the next few weeks / months and wait to see what will be out by then. Hope some good new stuff like Timeless v2 etc.

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That’s a great combo with great value. Stay put, enjoy music, wait for incoming drops.

As far as I’ve been told, there’s some new bombs incoming, and I’m pretty sure HBB knows even more than me so hear to his advice.

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:fire: Wondering what is the best source to be up to date on new releases? HBB’s youtube channel? This forum?

That’s two good assumptions. HBB is usually the first guy to get stuff in and at least graph it.

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HBB has twitter and instagram accounts as well!

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I’m a follower :slight_smile: Thanks!

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Got 'Em! Will begin listening to them tonight and be my daily commute and office listens with my Sony A55!

I just love the way it feels. It has that wonderful quality to it.

Music track playing on my A55 in the background:


Finally - a bassy set to be a side grade to my Meles to move around with. Looking forward to it! Amazon Prime for the win!


Thanks very much!! Very stoked! Appreciate the trust!

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Yeah there was a spot to fill right there :raised_hands: :notes:

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You know it, brother. Thanks again for making these sets! :metal:

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Thanks for the trust! :raised_hands: :notes:

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I’ll see my pair on Wednesday! Curious to hear the texture that comes with the bass, graph certainly jives with me for tonality and the driver sounds promising.

Very cool that they’re on Amazon!