Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

No, but @CTOXmas was :notes: , so I am sure it shines in ways he and others finds appealing.

Aria used an LCP iirc?

I just happened to have the Kima and the Waner together and while the $16 set is not better, it sounds decent and I noted a grainy sound on Kima that myself and some noted on Aria.

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Got me a Xenns Up, they’re ridiculous at that 11/11 $560 price (especially when you’ve managed to catch the $100 card :upside_down_face: )
Can’t wait to hear a beryllium set finally


Congrats. That EST treb balances out the berry bass nicely. :notes: :raised_hands: :boom:


Thank YOU for the rec, I know there’s been a lot that’s come in since the Xenns, but I needed a laid back set to go with my sometimes TOO intense OG Monarch


That is one of the best complimentary combo duo I have seen mentioned.
OG Monarch and a XENNS UP.
You chose really well :sparkling_heart:


Can’t wait to hear your thoughts. It’s a unique set that I tremendously enjoy. It’s my longest standing set and has made numerous purges.


That’s about as big an endorsement as you can get in this hobby.
Like being pardoned from an Execution


Do you still use your Xenns? I imagine it’s hard listening to gear you like when there’s stuff coming in all the time

The review of the Maestro SE will be uploaded this week?

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My epic HBB collection, oddly enough the QKZ x HBB are my favorites out of the bunch. But they’re all pretty great for what they aim to do.

Screw this cable though.

Speaking of which, anyone know of a good cable I can get for the QKZ x HBB? Something around the $20 range would be preferred, and doesn’t get tangled so easily. Bonus points if it comes with a mic.
Looking for some nice ear tips as well. For some reason my right ear feels like it’s inbred with how difficult it is for IEMs to stay in it. Currently using a small FiiO orange gray tip for my left side, and a medium one for the right, which seems to work. But I’m gonna be most likely returning my FH3, so I’ll need to find something.


I’d just use the Olina or Kai stock tips on QKZ. Go through the S/M/L in each ear and get the best fit/seal and call it a day.

They are actually REALLY good tips (IMO), and won’t cost you a dime

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I think openheart cables and ivipQ on AE offers cables with mics. Maybe even XINHS

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Tripowin Grace looks incredibly like the Olina stock cable with a mic by the looks of it. They have a QDC variant and it’s 15 on amazon so it might be worth a shot.

I tossed a Tripowin Zonie on my set of QKZxHBB since they’re easy to get quickly and I didn’t care to get a mic. That stock cable is trash.

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This cable from XINHS is a bargain imo


Shoot, I forgot to mention. Are there any good cables that have an L shaped 3.5mm connector? I mainly use these out my phone and I find it to be better in everyway.

wow basically a modular Tripowin Zonie that’s also cheaper

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$20 no mic 
I think{"sku_id"%3A"12000030804994042"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!USD!13.29!12.49!!!!!%402101fd4b16674405563218494e844a!12000030804994042!sea&curPageLogUid=gR46gGPuIEWV


After you gave it the finger it slithered into toile and flushed itself
or is thinking about it.
Thanks for the trust! :raised_hands: :notes: :sparkling_heart:




Xinhs is always the answer. I’m hoping they can hook me up with one for my IE600.

My Aur Audio are ready to go
 Rmmm rmmmm!! :notes: