Got a Mangird Tea 2 for $234 with coupons and promos on Ali, really nice deal!
Discount code found here: Aliexpress Coupons -
Got a Mangird Tea 2 for $234 with coupons and promos on Ali, really nice deal!
Discount code found here: Aliexpress Coupons -
looks great honestly
Sounds pretty nice too
Those are freaking pretty though…
Using RAD Knowles? and a Sonion with DD
Knowles RAD Series Tweeter + Sonion 2300 BA
Nice for the trebs
I’m too broke for this hobby lol
They make you wanna spend money on stupid stuff
More energy at 2.5k but more energy in the mid bass to offset that
Thank goodness you mentioned the mid bass kick coming off a bit soft, I needed a reason to keep scrolling and spend my day in safety!
HBB coming for your money in 2 weeks anyway, bro
They’re gorgeous. Seriously really pretty, simplistic design with a nice kick of ‘bling’ with the silver finish - tuning looks as mature as can be, would these be considered neutral with a slight bass emphasis? Reminds me of the Monarch MKII a bit without the mid bass tuck and a little more energy in the lower treble.
I would in fact consider these neutral. Uncolored. The midbass is ever so polits and the gain is gradual but not subdued.
I described a neutral set in my vid but never mentioned it cuz… I am a moron.
What would you call the coloration in Olina SE vs Yume 2?
Cause SE is the closest reference to neutral I have at the moment
Choose the cable and ask them to customize the connector for you. They also change the connectors color if you want. For free.
Not a moron haha I think A LOT of sets now a days have that neutral tuning style so it almost becomes redundant to say it.
Any chance you might get a set of Sure KSE1200 to review?
Both would be uncolored IMO with original Olina being bright
Lotta sameface going on for sure. Kinda sad/unfortunate as graphs do not tell the whole story and are sometimes misleading because driver quality does matter
Maybe, I believe I have a set a person sent me as a gift. Gotta find it