Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Bob/Trinity/IMR has got what he wants: a cult following, and a developer’s dream: a subscription-type business. I get how both of those ideas suck people in, I just will never get over peeps throwing all sense of decency out the window just for the privilege of buying…stuff…things. I still can’t get over that other dude calling OP “disgusting” I mean, JFC…


My respect for you just went way up. It was normal levelz but you are a solid dude. My man 50 grand.
Whatever stuff we disagree about before or in future, it’s all good. We see shit the same.

Lots of folks left the hobby. Their money got stolen.
That is not rumour. The paperwork to dissolve TRINITY and start IMR and it being the same person is public tax records furious folks who have been robbed dug up.

The guy who kept upwards of $80,000 to fund his new venture after closing TRINITY is not hiding.
He’s on head fi

Head fi is alright with that.


Hi bro,
does the Mest match well with class A amp and tube?
or is it became too dark ?

thank you, :pray:


That graph doesn’t inspire confidence (have the FD5, find it a bit peaky in the treble), but still, graphs aren’t everything. Curious for your review.

Also, something that bugged me in your newer intros: “guitar solos” shouldn’t have an apostrophe. I’m a bit obsessive here, but you know how it is :wink:

the treble,
is it a FH7 v2.0 ?

Do the switches affect the sound as much as their graphs imply? Or are they just a gimmick like on every other iem?

:sweat_smile: Sorry bro…that would trigger me too

It seems more relative to treble tweaks than bass. I will graph again just to be sure.


Oracle over Excalibur


Review today or tommorow? Thanks for the spider graph, very interesting.

Probably tonight. …in a few hours. Thought I was doing an Excalibur video,…mmmm nope :sweat_smile:


That’s quite surprising… By the graph, I thought Excalibur will be closer to your preference

Size comparison with the Oracle/excalibur vs mon/clair?

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Will up some pics when I’m done listening. Same size though.

Oh well, saves me some cash then.

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Trn Mt1 2 for $10 at AliExpress. Kbear ks1 40% off at Amazon, but probably only for prime members.

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I had a feeling Oracle would be the better IEM after I heard what the tuning targets were. Still, Monarch > Oracle for me. Not wasting time or money on Excalibur.

@hawaiibadboy as always, thank you for your insights.

EDIT: Just watched your Oracle video - I’ll bet your original Monarch wasn’t right and I know I’m not the only one who has said this before. I wish you could hear mine.

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I get 1st sets but Crin got a set like mine and rec’d an impedance adapter so it was an issue for midbass as is relates to Bass guitar/Kickdrums and the like.

If you did get a better pair congrats. :+1:

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I got an early set of the Clairvoyance (has no nozzle lip). My Monarch was ordered quite later (has a nozzle lip). I really wonder if they changed over time because my Monarch sounds much better to me than the Clair. It could always be my preferences though.

It’s great to hear you’re enjoying the Oracle so much. Monarch and Oracle tuning FTW.

BTW… Your new graph system is bad ass. Love it.

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64 Audio Neo, ThieAudio Oracle…holy fuck just waiting for the Sony Z1R Matrix …