Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)



Dethonray Tender 1 frequency graph


That is an interesting graph.

Even odder, it is a planar driverā€¦ interesting.



It is a lot better than most planar sets I have tried, thatā€™s for sure

I was curious about these. And now I am not.


They are charging 640 usd for thatā€¦

The graph says they need to insert a decimal point in that figure lol.


Sorry man but I spend a boat load to be up to date with the latest bullshit.
In for a penny, in for a pound. That dude goes as far as his connections will take him. Head fi style gone Youtube


ā€œI have too many other headphones and brands I want to hear in front of a MEST v MEST V2 shootoutā€

Nothing like priorities eh :joy:

I can get priorities but a dude that reviews crazy priced stuff not wanting to go outta pocket kinda confirmed what I thought.
Zeos got paid cuz he worked long, hard and commits a big part of his life to this hobby. Thatā€™s called ā€œgrindinā€.
Gotta respect that sheer effort.
Not respectin folks whoā€™s experience is dictated by who will cut em deals.
Please donā€™t name dude or anything like that. I just found that all kinda lame.


ā€¦are they literally begging in a public video?

Nah, he has had some crazy pricey stuff and I was thinkin it was a sponsor jobā€¦and it is.
If i only did vids for companies that deal with me 64 audio, Empire ears, and all those brands would never show up on my channel.
I donā€™t really watch other youtubers but it was a Youtube suggest

EDIT: Nah, he does kinda publicly ask for pricey stuff.

Oh shitā€¦Audio 46 sends him stuff to hype. I get it now.



Iā€™m so conflicted right now. But I think Iā€™m about to take the UP plunge. It seems like everything Iā€™m looking for, my only concern is the treble beingā€¦ kind of dark? Even if the technical performance isnā€™t Clair/Monarch levels, the way @hawaiibadboy describes the bass just seems great.

I think Iā€™ve narrowed it down to these three though.

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All good options i guess, but yeah the way @hawaiibadboy described the bass was what sealed the deal to me, my Xenns UP will arrive on the 13th according to DHL

I am not worried about it being dark myself since i am very comfortable with EQ though.

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I consider the L5 to be dark.
I like it. But itā€™s dark in the way it presents stage and quiets the air.

Treble is good. No real diff from a very expensive set I have.
Excalibur is not really a bigger space bringer as itā€™s bass quality impacts the overal replay IMO


I donā€™t think you have much to worry about.

My guess (per Chrisā€™ review comments and my personal listening experience with beryllium) is that the Xenns Up bass and mids will be technically superior vs the Monarch and Clairvyance because of the beryllium coated dd especially in impact, slam and especially speed. The transducer has less flex so it is more nimble.

I think Chris even mentioned heā€™d prefer to see the Thieaudio tribrids upgrade to beryllium for the additional technical advantages and better dynamic slam, I actually think he said ā€œmore punchā€.

Chris, thoughts?

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What YouTuber is this? Please PM me if you canā€™t post publicly.

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