Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Sure! my OG Yume had a noticeable cosmetic blemish. Hifigo would not address the issue. They blamed SeeAudio. I don’t do social media and I did not have SeeAudio’s email address. Hifigo was not helpful in supplying SeeAudio’s contact information. I posted my gripe on Head-fi. A member there contacted SeeAudio. SeeAudio wanted to make things right. my issue got worked out and in a timely fashion. Kudos to SeeAudio and the Head-fi member.

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I am not familiar with that situation.

So just complaining is the only avenue? Noting where companies do try to have decent customer relations is not helpful? I don’t understand your logic.

This ties in to your thread as you are complaining about Moondrop. A legit gripe given your situation. I am pointing out a situation the Moondrop might want to learn from and then help you out like SeeAudio did for me.

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The topic should go to the IEM thread where everyone can see your great outcome.
The guy I’m talking about is “live” and happening now and is bonkers…take your happy end…the way it is supposed to be and go to IEM thread where it belongs.
Share with the community the joy of not getting fucked like its a big deal.
Take care.

Respectfully, and in this climate/context, companies just doing their jobs are actually worth shouting about from rooftops. If I were just coming in to this hobby, or returning, bet yer ass I want to know who does their jobs AND who doesn’t.
I’ve been around long enough to have eye popping stories good and bad. Being a dual citizen East and West, there are some reasonable conclusions one can draw about customer relations. Of course there are exceptions, and a once great company can turn just as a shitty one improves.
I’ll leave this little bit of my gathered intel; Sony has consistently, over decades, basically told me to go fuck myself with warranty issues….Every. Single.Time.
Campfire Audio has been exactly opposite. Out of warranty, repaired and returned a product internationally, after rapid turnaround, Fex Ex Priority no cost to me….more than once. I paid inward shipping. There was never even a suggestion as to some user error. Warranty repairs smooth, fast , they picked up Fed ex both ways , no bullshit involved.
Of course, anyone’s experience with these companies might turn out different, However, I say it is good info…both stories.


Share it with the community.

Not giving companies a shout out for DOING THEIR FUCKING JOB.

Can see where that info would be great use to folks in the big thread.

CA fucked me hard with a set that had Bellsing drivers which I opened myself but another time.



It’s not just me, it’s lots of folks any many don’t use social media they just try to contract direct and get totally FU****

Apos is saying that those failing sets are the users fault…

I’m coming up on 40 days of a dead cable with Moondrops flagship IEM
Thse folks are having failing shells and like with me they refuse to do what they used to do…solve the problem.
They have become a garbage company pushing crap to sellers and requiring them to deal with any issues.



Being from Australia too, having the company beholden to at least 1 year of warranty and returns is not something that is commendable, it’s the minimum expectation LEGALLY lol.


ny update on the first guy? The first guy who popped a 2 pin on Sabre…not this Apos guy but patient zero.
Would love to know how that turned out.

This guy

Not the Apos guy…he’s in process of negotiation


This is likely the Model:
SELLER: Lets make a deal where you still get kinda fucked cuz warranty is just a word




Dam… now I’m wondering if I should cancel my order for my Darksaber :thinking:


You better buy it from Amazon bro. It will be Elysian 2.0 for you They give zero fucks…and they are not sorry.

I canceled mine a few days ago…not in mood for walking into a shitshown i see coming…had my fill of that


Sorry just saw this. This was nothing to do with “counteracting” the bad stories, I just hadn’t heard about Yume one way or the other. This is where they mentioned it so this where I asked them about it.

No, I’m not going to take quick question somewhere else. Respectfully.


I can share with you…the double wammy that was See Audio on back to back sets but I’d like to see what happens with the guy currently getting f****ed beyond what is actually legal

In the U.K. anyway.
Really anywhere that has any laws which is everywhere I’d assume??

See Audio is a great story so kinda glad it was brought up




The US has laws, but there is zero enforcement, and companies operate with that knowledge. Also foreign companies tend to play games since they are too expensive to litigate against, which is mostly accurate.


From Head Fi

The guy clearly states he is playing Devils advocate so there is that. :white_check_mark:

If Companies make IEM with removeable cable , so you can remove them :melting_face: and also sell cables seperately to you knowing that…(and getting bigger margins on those than many budget IEM)…and you partaking in that… which virtually everone does for comfort or asthetics VOIDS YOUR WARRANTY holy shit…you all better recognize.
When you buy an IEM and the site auto bundles and offers a cable with it…they are like cops setting you up in a reverse sting operation.
If you get tempted to buy this cable…and dare pair it with the set you are buying…you are shit outta luck, tough shit,

The more i read about this and talk to folks in the background the more bonkers this whole thing is

Even worse is if cable swapping voids the warranty, but they send the IEM with the cable detached, they can take a position of the warranty being voided from the moment you plug them in at all, because how do you prove it was “damaged” before your first plug-in?



Cable rolling is advertised as a selling point.

Important to note that the 2 public claims were trying to remove the stock cable not insert a new one…which it is advertised clearly as being a thing it is designed for.

Here’s something for the cable enthusiasts—the Dark Saber comes with a 0.78mm 2-pin interchangeable design. Whether you’re looking to pair it with the MOONDROP LittleWhite Bluetooth Neckband cable or go wired with the FreeDSP complex function decoding cable, this IEM has you covered.


MD is being so messy but it’s kinda par for the course. Aür Audio set off a firestorm on HF because of shady marketing that’s making me take HF’s side. It’s absolutely gross :face_vomiting:


Claiming that damage caused by swapping the cable is not covered by warranty is blatantly insulting your customers and indefensible regardless of if someone is trying to play a devils advocate or not. And contrary to what armchair lawyers like to spout, no country where manufacturers are obligated to provide warranty will let it fly, or every manufacturer would put somewhere in small font that their product is just for display only and all use voids warranty.
Unfortunately with international shopping you give up some protections, but if it happened to me I’d attempt a chargeback as defective product received and merchant refused refund, not guaranteed to win and hinges on your bank being competent, but fairly good chance to get the money back.