Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Hahahahha ya I saw the comment I was like is this guy fr?? :joy:

Guys don’t fall for that shit

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His comment by itself opens up a whole other can of worms…

#1 why are you selling an unfinished prototype product

#2 why are you selling that prototype without any disclaimers, and

#3 if you’re going to sell a prototype wouldn’t you want your audience to know because you can still market that as a sentimental piece, kind of like “look you can own one of the very first concepts and ideas we worked on”, and I’m sure some people would’ve bought it as a collection piece, so why wouldn’t you link that in your post with the other things you’re trying to sell? It makes no sense business wise either because it’s positive awareness for your product… Unless of course, it’s not a prototype, and you just made some excuse up after someone called you out reusing components from another IEM.

Now there aren’t any hard evidence for or against this argument, but it’s very odd and illogical especially his reaction, which as @GooberBM mentioned makes him look like a snake oil salesman lol. If it is a prototype unit the ethical thing to do is to let people know regardless.


Sorry for the slow response, I have much more important things going around than hobby right now…`

More important ???I have a Child and a wife and my kid just puked on me…life is tough…WORK IT OUT OR STOP SELLING SHIT

See you guys around in a month or so!

If you hustle another set …@Ohmboy…you should lock that thread and shut him down

Had a spare minute to audition 64 audio U12t at Fujiya Avic of Nakano Tokyo, and many others at E-earphone Akihabara main tower for TOTLs including UE Premier Pro , Visions Ears, Noble Audio, and all those $5k USD class ones.


You are too busy to get me my set, to reply to nervous customers and explain your bullshit which takes minutes on your phone…but taking your ass to show some expensive stuff was doable???
Conman… been on that tour and it’s a nice day out. Enjoy life…spare the bullshit and tone deaf response of kinda addressing nothing then saying your busy ( not toooo busy obviously)


Yeah, the more I’m in the hobby the worse I feel about my time in it. I did review his collab on head fi and fell for his BS. I sold it pretty quick, I found it closer to the Aful 5 with less bass than an actual good set. I sold it for like 375… I even bought the tips and cable he recommended. To be honest the Nicehack Blacksoul is a hell of a cable as it feels good and has well made connectors. It’s a funny hobby. Here’s to an awesome 2024.

Sorry about your kid Chris. My eldest was sick for days, now the little one and I both have it. It sucks. Nothing like having your kids be sick and not being able to do anything about it.


I learned a lesson when I was 5 years old…bought a set of toy soldiers for 2 bux from the back of a comic book…father said are you sure you want to do this and if you do, don’t expect what you think your gonna get…Pop you don’t know what you’re talking about…well Pop was right and I learned at that very young age not to fall for anything that just doesn’t feel right…perception above all else

This matter is one of those
I love you
The check is in the mail
and I promise not to nut in your mouth…nuff said


Chap - come off it - you can’t change your mind with every scene based flavour of the month topic / you gave the set a glowing 5 star review with an S both for technicalities and tuning saying it was better than the SA6 Mk2, Meteor, and approaching Monarch Mk3 levels and now you say it is comparable to P5… :exploding_head:

We can all not be impressed with the situation surrounding this IEM but that doesn’t change our hearing… As a reviewer people look to you for buying recommendations and so expect consistency and fair perormance comparisons against an IEM’s direct competition…

So what was it /
The set was never good SQ wise and you were shilling it on a review for clicks…?
The set is good SQ wise as per your review and now you wanna change your tune and downplay your review take as you don’t like the AS association…?


Trust but verify


About the hustle


About shopping


Either he’s completely nutz or he’s trolling.

It’s a troll



What a day…a dummy driver slave to the entire freq response does not decrease distortion.
Has everyone gone nutz?
It greatly increases the distortion to the ear via artifacts since a slave driver cannot do a 1:1 with anything over the bass range.
Everything beyond the bass cannot be inverted (push to pull) with any semblence of accuray…which is noise added.


@Ohmboy just a suggestion.
You may want to lock the NO thread and force the OP to engage the general community

  • The story of its creation is false and being walked back little by little.

  • The customer service is…according to @ToneDeafMonk Penon didn’t even know my set had any issue because the OP never passed it on to them. He also went ghost essentially right after I posted my opened NO pic. It’s been 3 months for me.

  • It will hapen again with a new set and same folks.

There are so many good sets without all this extreme bullshit

The guy typed more words about a trip to earphone shops than answering questions


I get you bro and understand but locking the thread now serves no purpose imho…However

If that’s ever a thing the mods will look at it closely for sure trust me…



Looks like someone’s all out of gum!


Lol it really ain’t a gum thing more a patience thing…I don’t chew gum and I don’t have much patience…so yeah :smile:

Ah ok I’ll fix that:

“I’m here to kick ass and have patience, and I’m all outta patience



Is that OG Doom? long time since a played those games tbh.

From the nuclear emblem on the shotgun, I’d say this is Duke Nukem!


I’d have to google when all those games came out…never been much of a gamer tbh, Doom, Quake and Spyro were my go to’s back in the day :smiley:


Ah ok I figured you were a Duke Nukem fan from the avatar!

  • and all three of them have fantastic soundtracks! :smiley:

I assumed same :slight_smile:

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