Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Cool…how’s your wife doing

Rough…but Kai is doing great


New King of detail and accuracy…to my ears w/ my library.


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I was thinking about Kai last night, just hoping he was alright. I’m relieved to see that video, brother -I’m sorry to hear about the wife though, man, she’ll pull through. Moms are the toughest people in the world, no doubt :handshake:


Thanks man. I just had a business deal crumble (selling property n Hawaii) soon as I got home today and saw him getting even better I forgot about the money.
Making money is eeeeeaaasyy but …can’t buy health so today was bad business day but a fantastic personal day which maths out to =

Fitbit shows the stress…crazy little life meter


Not aware of your situation but I did as well…here in Jersey…you play in a different league altogether though and speculation is not my main event…I have other sources of income…market is on its hands and knees right now and people pulled out…rates are killing me and everyone else…the fed has to step up and make a firm decision and not give ambiguous signals…I firmly believe we need some type of ruffling in the administration

Glad to hear about Kai…my wife will be relieved


The $5,000 question is, how does it stack up against Storm (considering that they’re tuned very similar)? Solid pick for those who couldn’t get it the first time around/don’t want to wait for the next batch/can’t stretch for that price? Or just a whole other beast altogether?


I used a test tone file to adjust to 77dB output for both sets.
That results in a replay range of about + and- 12dB (approx) because of music range/dynamic range swings
After having the spliter outs matched I listened to both, and since they were matched output I could use one in left and other in right and visa versa

The Canpur has better detail/definition/replay
The Canpur fits like a CIEM…almost
The Canpur is easier to drive

The Storm is better build

I am fine with Canpur build quality however to compete with the likes of Storm and others all across the board the shells should be more premium.

The Canpur can become too intense with more gain. That much detail comes at that cost.
graph doesn’t indicate but it is an insane detail beast.
I think folks who are rich and patient will prefer Storm due to build and status
For detail/techs chasers…this Canpur is the best i own. Sounds like being there and every listen is a long session.


I appreciate the notes, thank you my dude!


Almost always seems the case huh brother

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Is the CP a keeper…is it gonna find itself a home

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Yup, it’s the set I grab everyday as Kai gets better I have been escaping into the music. When he was bad I couldn’t listen to music but from about 3 days ago I have neen putting hours and hours on that set.
It does its job really good


Chris is the Hype 4 worth the price jump over the Hype 2

Kai by getting better has released you of worry…dad, get back to what you usually do…I’m fine

My man


It’s a fantastic set, seriously considering purchasing a set.

If ever you’re letting go of yours for charity… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I’m not answering for Chris…my experience…yes…

but you must take into account my tolerance to any coin outlay… don’t know your tolerance…
I have the 10 on the way

Looking forward to seeing where you would put the CP622b in top10!

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So the daughter and wife got over Covid/pink eye finally. Now somehow at 36 years of age I got shingles. Mind blowing to me. They say it’s from stress. Like dom said,glad Kai is doing better🤙


Dang buddy, I hope everyone feels better soon!

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