Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

What for real! And @VIVIDICI_111 mentioned the Tea with more midbass. Did they just put one of my favorite IEMs and one of my first tunings I feel in love first into one IEM. I might have to jump on this.


How did you feel about Fan 2 again? Cause:


Ah NM money saved. Thanks for this as I missed it earlier in the thread.


Sometimes it’s like herding sheep with you guys. Just wanna spend your disposable income on stuff for the sake of spending and I’m like:

PS - I should be the one more curious about this than you lol


Our wallets thank you, Goober!


Haha :joy:! Thank you father for putting in my place.


You all are too important to me. Your purchases get me access to things that I couldn’t get a hold of alone.

Can’t have you wasting your powder on things you don’t really want. Gotta wait for the next big artisan hype train to get a 1/20 set again :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:


The SR7 is not as vocal forward and not as energetic in the mids and highs. Compared to the Penon FAN2
I never heard the Teas did they have a more relaxed treble as well?


Relaxed treble but even more forward vocals. It’s definitely the calling card on the OG Teas


Fan2 is really out there too I love it ,SR7 brings the sub bass to the mix. The vocals may not be as forward as the F2 from first listen but smoother and more full bodied.

SR7 spent the night on the rack so lets see if anything changed this am.

Whatever DD they put inside is quality.
Still trying to wrap my head around this sound signature as I dont have anything that sounds like it with this kind of treble.


Just to give you general idea of what OG Tea looks like compared to SR7:


Spending some more time after one night burn in. With the Sound Rhyme SR7

Threw on the Penon Vocal Cable and JVC Spiral Dots

Some quick observations
I started yesterday with Bass and Treble Swich On.

Spent the day in that position and was finding the bass over powers the vocals on certian tracks. Mostly on some Female vocal tracks.
Bass was also effecting the stage.

Today: Bass Switch OFF Treble ON
Highs balanced out a bit more.
DD playing lower into sub bass.

No dought the bass switch adds more weight to Vocals but a tad too much for female vocals .

Without Bass switch ON, The Bass is very balanced in the mix enough to add great micro details and fast with the Mid Bass slam.

Stage is realy wide and deep and has great height. :+1:

This is the ultimate setting for me for Vocals and rock.

Now compared to the PENON FAN2 as I was going back and forth.

  • Bass goes lower on the SR7 tho the graph shows otherwise probable because the added weight and slightly less speedy drivers. I thonk overall the SR7 is better quality than F2.

Vocals vs F2 you get more information, with better clarity 1Mid BA vs 4 no surprise here. So more quantity and quality sound more natural in the overall mix. The SR7 sounds more natural and smooth.

More Balanced than F2 Bass/Mids/Highs mix

F2 has a funner 3D stage but the SR7 keeps you more focused on Vocals.

I am having a really hard time trying to figure out what switch position is my favorite?

Going to try a different cable my favorite from XINHS to add some note weight with Bass switch off and see I have a sneaky Suspicion that will be the winning combo. And will report back in my full review this weekend.

Bass ON Definitely FUN
Bass OFF laser focused Vocals

Thats it for now.

(UPDATE:) Later that eve…
Back to Bass switch On.
That Penon Vocal Cable not a good pairing too much of a good thing is not a good thing.

A Simple SPC much smoother. For thoose that just said that was alot of whooey for cables thats ok if you dont believe or cant hear a difference you save yourself some money and the stock cable is very nice :+1:

Love this $20 Baller 2 core SPC:


Ima probably buy one this weekend when i have some time. Thanks for the write up
:notes: :call_me_hand:


I hate writing reviews so much Happier with shooting Vids.
Did you ever do written stuff Chris?

What’s your take on cables? Am I full of shit or is there a difference you hear as well?

I dont believe cables make a radical difference like some state on HeadFi,
But I believe you can tilt the sound profile with different metal mixes.

And treat cables as last tweek fine tuning and mostly bling factor with a good dose of Psychoacoustics?

Just a friendly inquiry not to put you on the spot I am genuinely curious on your take.

More chilling with the SR7 put the bass switch back to ON!

MeganTheeStalion Belting out some dirty nasty vocals with a shit tonne of musical bass.

Not sure how they made a bassy , vocal set?

WOW track: Queen “I Want It All” insane stage and dynamics Holy Shit Factor Level Funometer!




Nah, fuck that. tried…not fun…no point in doing stuff that’s not fun unless you have to.


Bassy vocals sound right up my alley!



What do you think about Vocal cable with SR7?
In curious to try also these 2 from the same store you got cheaper SPC

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