Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Wait, bro… are you trolling? I can’t tell :rofl:


Technically a tribrid IS still a hybrid so they’re not wrong


I try to explain better. English is not my main languages.

Hifigo wrote that it is “Hybrid”.

Vividici wrote “and isn’t that a tribrid lol”.

So already that means that he is not able to read what Hifigo wrote.

However you confirmed that it can be considered a tribrid and infact you are correct.

Vividici thinks that it is not a Tribrid. So obviously he is wrong.

Do you understand now?

Again thanks for confirming that vividici is ignorant.

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It’s my life’s work!

:kissing_heart: Love you, Jay


Well, I guess Brandon is right, yeah of course it can still be considered a Hybrid… but Jay is saying “isn’t that a tribrid” , which it is, so maybe he’s just simply pointing out that the terminology is not the usual way of speaking within the community?

It’s really not that serious lol


Normally when people say hybrid it means a mix of 2, or else everything would be called hybrid and there’s no point in having other terminologies like “tribrids” or “quadbrids”. A gas+electric car is a hybrid, 1DD+2BA is a hybrid etc etc, at least that’s how it is from where I’m from.

ANYWAYS, really not that big of a deal man :joy:


Lol yeah that’s a very common way of calling something out as incorrect which is what @VIVIDICI_111 was doing lol so he’s right



of mixed character; composed of different elements

Semantics matter, kids.

(I’m just enjoying being a little shit cause I had a less than fun night tonight, don’t mind me)


Ok, 1/5 so the other 4 still stands LOL (“two”)

Stop it Brandon you’re just gonna confuse the poor guy :joy:

Almost all the people I know refer to an IEM with 2 different drivers a hybrid, and 3 a tribrid - am I going crazy or something??

Anyways I’m tapping OUT of this convo before it turns into some head-fi shit again :rofl:


HIFIGO with the word salads


Don’t get worked up cuz a seller is making advertising hypes.

The DZ4 apparently is another set not quite as the litterature claims
(shoutout to Mike Bruce)

2DD share a bore (full range) so simply changing damp on bass DD is not possible really cuz the bass DD is the passive one…which is why it has no thump.
A PR driver should be open in back to get pushed and pulled by active drivers.
No shroud needed…in fact GTFOH w/that

FIR and Simgot tried this too. At this point it’s a gimmick. Hopefully it turns into something that has actual impact.


Making a PR


You can see the “push/pull”

Someone needs to do a PR that is

*open in back…just diaphragm and mount
*sharing a chamber with the dedicated bass DD driver only so the low freq driver is pushing and pulling the open back PR driver

This wont work with:
Full range driver
Shrouded PR
As well as the PR being in a shared space that only includes the bass driver or drivers :ok_hand:


Chris, I wish you made IEMs (nothing wrong with collabs but it seems a collaborators ability to impact design is much more limited compared to making your own) cause this PR would be so dope when correctly set up. Bass for days!


Thanks man. I have tried to empart my ideas to companies but they always ALWAYS get less interested the longer the explanation or any additional working parts beyond what they are familiar with.
My hobby is building car audio and Boomboxes so it would be nice to take that knowledge into micro territory.
Same principles at work (Acoustic Science)
I could never lean over a magnifying glass at a workbench putting in drivers smaller than my fingernails…I’d lose my god damned mind :melting_face:

Letshuoer came so close so I’m taking the moment to impart some sound advice to them or anyone watching.

Heyears does the fancy 3D printing so…

Someone will do this, it will work, it will be audible (the actual benefits of a PR driver that is)


My understanding is it would be out of phase 180 degrees, meaning it should be canceling some of the waves even in a sealed config. Possible detrimental impact?

As it is, it is being pushed by all frequencies since the full range drivers are all open to the passive radiator and it sounds like ass as a result.
The Radiator is supposed to be a “slave” and under control of another driver. And sealed to assure that control.

Thar PR driver is just a noise maker being thrown air impulses by 2 full range drivers and 1 crossed over one.

That area should be enclosed.

The front of a PR driver should be open as it’s sole purpose to exist is to move air in the bass region (lower is better) That is smaller than a BA (pic is Mike Bruce not mine)

If anyone owns the RED…just keep that till they sort this out :ok_hand:


Actually it should not be hard to pseudo seal it out with modified backplate design creating 2 chambers with a single rib in between. If I would get my hand on this Lethshuoer in some time I may get the design done in CAD for 3d printing, quite an interesting concept to try


anyone with a 3D printer could kill the chaos and have the 1st mass produced passive radiator set on market…even if the last step was done by owner.
That bore for the PR is way too small for a 6mm driver but the main prob is feeding the PR the full range audio.

People with a bit of skill who can make a cap can win big.


I much prefer Ikko’s OH10, they’re a… HY BIRD! ( :wave: :rooster:)


Damn man this is rad. Wish they sold these premade at this level. Unless you know of someone? I love how tinkerers have taken boomboxes into the modern ages. Have you see the video from last year of the thinnest boombox from Joe Grand? It’s a super cool concept and unique in the speaker concept at least among boom boxes.