Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Want to hear the N30, but I also want to hear it in its best form if I’m going to drop that sort of cash, and absolutely not interested in the iem lol. Really irritating to see them do this. Especially how they didn’t make that clear up front.

Also sort of disappointed to see them not utilize some of their more interesting digital sections and instead opt for something more traditional. In the end doesn’t really matter if the final sq is there, but would have liked to see their 1 bit r2r implemented here that impressed me in the n7 and ru7.

Nail in the coffin for me aside from the dumb iem bundle is that I’m not really sold on the featureset cayin offers with their daps. Tired of the trend of offering all the different modes like the tubes or solid state or a vs ab mode and so on where there’s many unnecessary and redundant either components or options. Sure you get a bit more versatility, but it’s not like it truly makes it sound like a different dap or unlocks some new level of synergy tbh. I’d really prefer mfg to pick a sound/circuit and put everything into it, so it does the one thing it’s designed for really really well, instead of multiple different sounds good but not great. Tends to be better value that way as well tbh


Dip switches too anyone? as for the IEM nah just fuck no.

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I’m fine with dip switches for the most part, from what I know they don’t add much extra cost or complexity, and if implemented right it can be a handy way to change the response a bit, typically just adding a bit more bass and treble or whatnot. Helpful on more monitoring type iems. But they can be sold as overly gimmicky, and I’m sure there’s some sonic downsides to including them as well (probably also the same effect of trying to do everything good enough through switches vs 1 actually really good experience). I could live without them just fine, I don’t personally care, but they could come in handy I guess. More irritated with multiple circuits within a dap because that most definitely increased overall cost to the end user and complexity for mfg, without really all that much benefit imo.

Just kinda prefer more purpose built stuff that is focused on best sound for the money/range rather than having a wide feature set but sacrificing sound quality


Yeah, I was gonna buy the DAP for $5000 cuz… :melting_face: (I’m dumb like that)
But then i found out the bundled version has better chips and will perform better according to them. After some blowback it seems it will only be noticable with the UM set otherwise it is a wash (not what they said earlier…)

How about NOT slip streaming an $8000 IEM with it when nobody asked and not charge $13,000 as the only way to get it.

The IEM cost $3000 more than the $5000 DAP :man_facepalming:


??? Yeah nah that’s some nonsense right there

Really makes me wonder about how good the iem really is lol. So you’re telling me that this iem is so capable that it’s the only one that can reveal the differences between the 2 daps, and no other iem can? Why not sell the iem on its own at that point if you truly have something that would apparently be a league ahead over everything else? Not really buying that lol. Both figuratively and literally

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Wanting more Ooph in the bass might be precieving the less energy in the Mid bass where we hear instruments like percussions and guitar hits. Mid bass

A solid mid bass hit- Thats what floats my boat not that much music that I listen to has true sub bass in the mix more lower bass 60-200 hz and when IEM’S have lesser energy in this area I feel they are bass light.

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@hawaiibadboy you see FatFreq has a Maestro?

Only a $200 difference for the ESTs…

EDIT: Apparently its an old release they never really advertised

No. I don’t think it was listed when I bought SE?? If it was I totally missed it

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It wasn’t but its listed on their new site I have never seen it before but someone over at head-fi showed that apparently Crinacle graphed it a year ago??

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@sovran Elise Audio coupler is a bit off. Compare with as many databases as you can for best results :call_me_hand:

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you are actually right, in the official graph of subtonic, storm seems to have around 8db boost on 3k region.

vs his measured 5 db boost

so i assume the 1k to 6k regions is undermeasured on his graphs? the rest of his graphs have this problem too, they measure with less ear gain and lower treble area.

yours is so similar to the official fr from subtonic.

It appears so. Listener is active in the business (mostly on Discord) and seems that is the concensus. All the mics do something subtle but it is not always as easy to catch. He is getting another mic I hears (Elise Audio)

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i doubt he does sus acts but i don’t know him anyways, so i have no right to judge. look at the monarch 2 vs 3 here, the peaks and dips are almost similar to yours but the spl is under measured by few dbs in those areas.

Oh nah, he’s one one the nicest stright up guys in the hobby. Just mic variations


Seems like someone in ASR “fixed” PR2 v2 in an extremely similar way Michael Bruce did in one of his first mods to create Glamdring.

I don’t know if someone has tried something similar and compared to OG PR2, but it would be cool if this way PR2 can be saved from KZ’s dumbness.


At that point, I’d worry less about “does the graph follow the exact SPL?”, and look more for “do the shapes match across graphs?” Its fine, to me, as long as they’re picking up the correct characteristics of the IEMs


Just checked out your video. I dunno if it ever came to you but the Dunu set you were thinking of but couldn’t name was the Vulkan, it’s 2DD+4BA and exactly the comparison to do


Looked liked the SA2 in int pic