Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Goggled that and got :man_shrugging:t2:


I got this LOL


Whoever KBEAR’s agent is, trolling those spams with kbear name on it….

Not a smart move. That’s defaming.

Anyway, I wasn’t going to buy the nice looking clear shell new one, but received a review call, so I can try one of those to see if it’s really worth the asking price.

The tuning looks similar to qdc superior which goes around $100USD and is Japan exclusive, probably KBEAR’s 69 will do a job following that Superior’s path.

KBEAR that sounded good: TRI Starsea, and sounded unique i3Pro. Later releases are all bad tuned V-shape, KZ stopped pursuing those and KBEAR took that old-KZ V segment.


Is ThieAudio Hype 2 a 95% of a Mangird Top?

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I’m not sure how to break it into % but I think Xenns TOP is the better set in every way I can think of but it’s $200 more and one of the best options at $500 range.



Customer (KING) :crown:

Companies (Servant) :man_bowing:

They need money
YOU don’t NEED what they are selling.


Initially wanted to post this elsewhere, but wanted to throw out a question to @hawaiibadboy as well.
Ever considered Sound Rhyme? Blind bought this before any reviews after the homerun of their SR8. This is their newest big shot, the DTE900
1DD + 4BA + 4 EST
749$ for stock look, 799$ for custom

Early impressions from people who have gotten theirs is that the bass is big and that it sounds BIG.

Their customer service over at AliExpress is second to none (in my experience). Initially opted for a mint green despite them not having such a color option. They said they would try. Didn’t quite like the result of the shell and they re-made it at no extra cost. Gray one is left earpiece, right obviously red. Hoping the bass is as visceral as they look!

End result reminds me of Blade


I am super excited for mine, I see your Blade reference there. Look dope btw.

Think I need to rewatch Blade again now, been many years :sunglasses:


is this the DTE900?

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Yes! Sorry, forgot to mention that part :clown_face:

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I’ve never been contacted.
I bought Night Oblivion cuz I’m familiar with him and being of potential help is me being a good community member.

Buying a Subtonic,Nightjar, Fatfreq is easy because I can connect with them if any issue arises.
I have no contacts with Sound Rhyme so … looks like a nice set :notes:


From my understanding, contacting their store through AliExpress puts you in contact with their owner. Super responsive. I tried asking them, and they had never heard of you :joy::man_shrugging:

Hope you get the chance to try a pair one day. The SR8 is one of those special sets that has no right being as good as it is for the price



How I feel dealing with Aliexpress


In terms of resolution there are any difference between HYPE 2 and QUINTET?

I have not listened to Quartet in a bout 2 months. Maybe someone can answer better than me from memory

Sorry Quintet!


My brain assumed that was what you meant the first time, until I saw Chris’s response. Naming two releases that similar was an odd choice.


Sheer resolution ?? Quintet in my opinion. That’s it’s strength


Too much resolution for me. I like a mid-treble emphasis and Quartet had me tapping out.

Oh whoops I read “quintet” and saw “quartet”. Excuse me :man_facepalming:t5:

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Quintet is TOTL details wise IMO. Or at least very, very close to at what MEST OG offers. Can’t praise this set enough