Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Z had nothing but kind words and praise for you guys when discussing this forum in Munich.


was that 4x4 or 5x5 foam you dropped in the nozzle, you said 4x4 in the video but the bag looked like a 5. also, did you drop it beside the BA or just under the filter? stock tuning treble was brutal, gave bad flashbacks to chifi from about a decade ago

Have you been getting people contacting you about condensation on the Kailuas? They’ve been by far the worst set out of your Tripowin collabs for condensation in my experience. Love them otherwise.

5x5 is fine and can be cut if needed
Yes it goes under the screen cap and on top of BA
Not really, I will ask Linsoul today how many RMA/returns they have gotten :call_me_hand:

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Well now,
Fell for a rebrand :melting_face:
Been years since i fell victim to a hyped rebrand


Take the “X” off since it is discontinued…


Tigerism is a wicked name, no matter what the IEMs sound like.

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Bias or not, Z300 definitely belongs on that list, I’ve been daily driving it for a while and it killed my desire to upgrade to anything pricier with similar tuning. There are some sidegrades around $200-$300 that caught my eye, but then I listen to Z300 again and realize I’m perfectly happy not spending any more for now.
Well, until 11.11. at least.


@hawaiibadboy do you have thoughts about doing something like a single DD in a resin shell?

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The HBB Maka was going to be resin, but that set appears to have died around the time the Kiwi Ears Cadenza came out. From what we knew it was going to be fairly similar to Mele ( or today’s Z300 ).

The HBB QKZ sets are resin, and while I don’t own the Khan, I still think the two best $20 IEMs are the QKZxHBB and the Truthear Hola.


Just a little less cringe than naming schemes based on imaginary characters of little girls for the consume of men…then having them battle each other in a Waifu version of Marvel Verse



Yes, a better version of the QKZ x HBB :call_me_hand:


better QKZxHBB !!!
Hell yeah :musical_note: :metal: :crossed_fingers:


That’s hot! I’d also kill for a better resin Mele and/or Kai :smiley:


That is coming. If anyone has condensation w/ resin I’ll jump out a window


Damn! i jump to the ship of 1000$ iems.

Im waiting for the Monarch mk3. Thank you Hbb for the ranking list, it was extremely helpfull.

Actualy what make me buy something so expensive was your opinion about Simgot ea500. It was so similar to my opinion that make me think that our similar taste in iem’s will make your opinions much more valuable.

What do you think i will notice jumping from the EA500 to the monarch mk3? you rank Technicalites (8) in both iems. So im guessing that tuning and microdetail will be the diferent.

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Thanks for the trust.
Best way I can describe going from a good budget set to good sets over all is:
Putting a cotton t shirt over your headphones between driver and your ears.
Letting your brain adjust to that.
Eventually your brain will… and you will enjoy the music. You’ll pick most everything up pretty good.
Now take the layer of cotton fabric off.
That sudden clarity and detail and space is what an ea500 to a Monarch MKIII is.

Wish I could explain better but that is pretty much it.
Again, thanks for the trust. :100: :notes:


I will tell the big difference to me next week when they arrive.

What do you think about the original cable and tips. im using spinfit w1 silicon tips for the ea500 and they are so confy! im a Small tip (lol) guy.

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Duuude if those tunings get resined and around as comfy as Mele I’m gonna-