Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

It s done to not waste money on over production ( I get it…makes sense)
The Solis 2 , The Raven, even Monarch MKIII is back into a pre order
( I think that is the new out of stock?? ((MKIII))
It’s been a long time since a big money set was announced and I could just fight the urge to click the buy button. Now…I can’t buy anything I want without waiting.



This is okay when it’s handled in good faith by the company.

Waiting a year on IMR, through multiple false promises of shipping? Makes you not trust anybody


Chris care to share the graph or the Tigerism please you know I love my single DD sets


Would love to see it as well!:tiger:


Will have it tonight or tomorrow :call_me_hand:

Kai’s grandparents came over to watch the next John Bonham


Oh I sort of miss thoose days so cute Chris! Good times. Happy for you bro!

But now I can go golfing 2 days a week
And finally get to the “honeydew” list.


Any IEM with similar sound signature with MM3 with better fit and smaller size?

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Xenns TOP fit for me is a little bit better :call_me_hand: :notes:



Missing some warmth sadly, I’d expect it’s noticeable when that leads into the same amount of gain.

The a cadenza graphs even closer, but I have one to hand and I still have no love for its sound. :man_shrugging:


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Just saw this in my feed.

This is third thumbnail I’ve seen with same “made me cry” theme.
Susvara is a superior set IMO and beyond the having a little fun is there any point in saying something that is $60,000 and unobtainable by 99.9% of the hobby and can’t be heard by about the same %??
I committed to a buy 2 years ago and backed out. Used set on Yahoo Auctions I had a chance to demo because he was 2hrs away from me. Former Sony Engineer was the owner (super nice guy…not blown away by it but owning it was not because of that.) His EDC was a Sony MA900 he helped design (A set which I love)

I’d like Andrew (resolve) to do a shootout with it v.s. Susvara and whatever his fave is.


Tired of seeing that as well. Really any decent set can make you cry if you’re in the right mood with the right music lol

The HE1 is rough to me. From my experience the HE90 is much superior, you got what you paid for in sound with the HE90, you really don’t get that with the HE1. It’s disappointing to experience a product that’s apparently the next generation of a line that’s just flat out worse than it’s predecessor lol. And I’d also agree that the susvara on a chain of similar value pulls ahead in most aspects. There’s so many other things I’d have in the hobby with that money rather than a HE1. It really to me feels more like the ultimate example of a luxury good targeted at people with a ton of wealth but not much experience in the hobby. Basically a lifestyle product. It’s not like the HE1 sounds bad or isn’t high performing, it’s just not performing as well as it should for that cash, and putting together a chain of comparable value with something like a shang sr, aperio, susvara, mysphere, raal and a few others IMO will get you a better experience if you bolster the chain enough.

On a different forum honestly had a whole rant about the HE1 but not worth copying over here lol

Have 2 answers for this depending on if they’re a reviewer or someone actually experienced in the hobby, and if they’re not.

IF someone is an audio reviewer, I actually think so, as long as it doesn’t cut into anything else that’s more applicable to your audience. It’s valuable to give your experience on what’s above, even if it’s not something that the mass majority of people might buy, it still could be helpful to someone, and helps give more context to things as well. And if you enjoy talking about it (either praising it or bashing it lol), why not. If it’s taking away time from taking about other more down to earth stuff you wanted to talk about, I think it’s a more fair question to ask if it’s worth covering. I think there’s a more justifiable reason depending on if your audience leans higher end already (going to be less relevant if you have a more budget minded audience of course lol).

I think it’s also important to actually make sure you do your due diligence when covering a piece like this though. To really have value on your take, I think it’s important to be informed about what alternatives there are and have experience with that, or at least have experience with the next step down as well. Basically have enough experience within the hobby to make meaningful commentary aside from “wow this is crazy” or “wow so expensive” and so on.

But for all of this I’m just treating this person/video as if they were an audio reviewer lol. Taking a quick look at the channel, just looks like a random tech channel, and in that case I’d just assume it’s more an entertainment piece more than anything else. Under that context, I think it’s fine to cover for entertainment as long as it’s clarified that they’re not really giving a real review or more informed take. People just want to be entertained, they’re not expecting to really get or hear any of this stuff, so I think there’s no problem covering it for basically fun which is really what this looks like. Content is content, and the bar is lower for purely entertainment content.

Smart move lol, dodged a bullet


Well said.
Congrats to Zeos and DMS for having MODS like you.
Nice chance for me to insert this: I don’t thnk Head Fi’s prob is the sites rules and Money.
It has always been that way.
There was never a time where slammin companies was remotely o.k.
People just ignored it until it affected them. ( I kinda did that too)
It’s the Mods. They are idealogically aligned with it and the site reflects that.

Now, back to you…
Good job at doing your job.
I hope Z and DMS have thanked you


How do you like the first impression of the Wyvern? Have you listened?

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I have noticed that many OG YouTubers have started using more hyperbolic titles. The algorithm has been unkind over the last few months, and it is never transparent.


You serious brah? :rofl::joy::rofl:


Actually …yes.
This place is what it is because of you guys not letting companies spam everyone and folks are migrating here because of that.
A “Thank you” would be in order


Nah’s all good man …I guess the mods here are the sergeant at arms…not bossed from above and not bought from below :yin_yang: :musical_note::+1: