Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Smart guy. I know that is the case for 3 reps that are really active on FB. I asked a seller if “X” was crazy and they said no but he is relentless I clarified the “He” part and learned about him and 2 other reps who are men. That’s a clever remark you made cuz I never thought about it until it came up accidentally.
Lillian is a Woman I will meet with my fiance and child this Winter, Yumu is a woman and Cloris is actually a woman. I sometimes wonder if more than 1 person uses that account though?

This whole drawn out cable thing makes me feel like I’m alternating between universes/different people…


Ed: it was about Rudhra
does it use custom 4 pin connector in the shell? Is it like for analogue crossfeed?

Yes, I believe that is part of why he is going with the 4 pin connector :musical_note:

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Watercooler boys on Headfi rate this quite high…i had to buy for the 2023 TOTL video


I am very curious about your thoughts on this set. I felt that the tactile bass response was very novel and cool, but outside of that, not worth the eye-watering price tag. If you’re a mid-bass kinda listener, I bet these would be pretty damn dope. @GooberBM would probably really like these as well, that man is a mid-bass aficionado


I get the Storm and Traillii love but not Anni :melting_face: or Z1R…and Raven :no_mouth:
Only bought RN6 cuz it is user voted top and …I’m interested in it for my user voted vid


… wait, I think I was referring to the Xn6, I belive that’s the one with the crazy bass shelf + Tactile bass feedback. Carry on then. I don’t belive I heard the Rn6 at CanJam.
Looking forward to the Vid :handshake:

Also, The Anni blew my socks off, I just wish they hadn’t burned @VIVIDICI_111 as they did, otherwise, I’d still be saving up for them.

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I had a Anni 2021 and it was inferior to “X” in every way possible and the meme was “X” was suited for EDM…but the Anni had more midbass and was clearly the “V” of the 2
I paid almost $3000 or a bit more to learn the lesson to not listen to folks who parrot…like the $50k Senn made me cry or other memes recently… That was the Anni v.s. X thing in 2021. You want bass get the X want techs get Anni…um…what?? :melting_face:

Like you with RN6…i have never heard a newer Anni so i have no opinion of it.
My personal target is based off the “X” though…:slight_smile:


I can definitely understand that, I have never heard the X, they definitely are a unicorn at this point. But I can say this - The Anni as soon as I pressed play widened my eyes, more than any other crazy ass set I tried at CanJam. The female vocal reproduction alongside the airy treble kind engulfed me. I wanted to buy them right there and then. If I’m just going by the graph, I’d say the X might be even better at what impressed me so much on the Anni but I’ll probably never know unless someone brings a pair to CanJam NYC next year, which I’ll definitely be attending.


I think the Anni 2023 you heard is diff from 2021 my graph so ignore my graph.
You should buy Anni if you love it :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Laughing here as Z1R is 2-3 years older than the others sets and still in the mix… tbh in ten years time out of all those sets it will be remembered just like Ali and Tyson…the rest just water under the bridge.


I hear ya, My music library is what my Mom listened to and Kendrick Lamar “GoodKid Mad City” in 2012 iirc? Was my last purchase. I have nothing newer.


Looking at the graphs of the 2023 version and comparing them to yours, they appear to be close enough to be roughly the same on the amplitude scale if we’re taking into account different couplers and tips and impedance yada yada. How that translates to the ear, is a different story.

In terms of buying a pair… eh, giving $3000+ to a company with shit customer service, that also screwed over my boy is not something I want to do. If I have the cash one day, and one comes up on the 2nd hand market there’s a chance I pull the trigger and be done with it, but right now, it’s just not in the cards if I’m honest.


Sony stuff usually lasts a damn long time. Like the EX800st, EX1000 and Z5 which are all around a decade or more old.


And here we are with 64 Audio, Elysian etc that can’t even get their production shit together…good sounding, well tuned sets are now a “relative" steal :clap: but it seems the :money_with_wings: set manufactures take the piss with QC and customer service :thinking:


It’s mid. It is Fir’s best yet though.

Good tuning though.

On topic of Anni23, it’s quite different than 21, and it’s probably my fave iem to date (edging out Storm, replacing my Mentor Multiverse), but my set also measured warmer than another Anni23 on the same coupler back-to-back… so yay for Elysian’s QC? lmao


Ha, QC is a double edged sword, isn’t it? My pair of Monarchs I suspect will measure warmer than the others out there, which I fully embrace.

I have to ask, how’s the channel matching on your pair of annihilators?

Blue is Left channel. Green is Right channel.

Red is HBB’s - shout city, less sub. Matches what I heard when comparing versions sadly (sorry Chris :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


That was my prob with it…intense and…you got a nicely tuned set…maybe 23 toned down the gain intentionally?


how big are those DD’s? :eyes: