Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Fuckin Denics…if the roast pork wasn’t that great…I’d say fuck this line

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Always the tightrope we walk for the good stuff!

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I did…put Xelastecs on em…listening to Mr Crowley and Goodbye to Romance on the Aune…good stage but standing a little closer to the left in front of the bassist…exactly where I stood when I saw the Blizzard of Ozz tour in Asbury park…Def Leppard opened up for them…they were all 17/18 except for Steve who was a little older…like watching battle of bands at high school…I said to my bud who the fuck are these guys…I soon found out

Bass is there but now I’m getting Randy walking up closer to the front of the stage and Bob Daisley is stepping back with Lee Kerslake in the same spot

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I blame it all on Mr Crowley.


Yeah that Mr Crowley…bastard


Speaking of f’ed up isht, what’s up with the bowdlerized version of B. o. O. with Daisley & Kerslake’s contributions wiped. One does not simply wipe Daisley & Kerslake’s contributions, Sharon.

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Yeah Sharon…she’s a piece of work…dragged John into some stupid reality show he probably didn’t want to do at first…but settled in. Throwing the ham was funny but probably staged. If it wasn’t for her though John would probably be panhandling

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Next vid?..or amnesty for the whales until after bird day…I’ll have to tune in …I love when you lay it down…and don’t skimp on the curse words…I know you have public relation persona nowadays but I wanna see the old Chris…throwing the bowling ball without hesitation and see how many pins fall down


KZ = avoid at all costs

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Haha - got it :upside_down_face:

Michael Bruce got a new mod on these. Check his channel on YT. I haven’t had the time and guts to try it yet. Maybe this weekend.
Shady company though, strange way of using Kickstarter IMHO.


This set passed throught the hands of a good chunk of the hobby and not much talk about that (Kickstarter) or the whale money

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$500 for 1DD


I’m honestly a bit disappointed by that tbh. It left a bad taste in my mouth and this needs to be talked about in reviews so that companies stop the BS

Thanks HBB for keeping these people honest as much as you can


I’m definitely bringing it up in my vid. :whale:


I thought about that one, but then I thought wait…Jupiter… AND I already have 2 great sets with 3DD each for less than 400 total…that pic sure makes it look pretty though.
Can ya give a hint when yours is gonna drop?


I know you definitely did. Stopped me from buying one, I did review a friend’s copy. And it’s pretty Mid.

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In days, already have the final retail box on the way :heart:

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Lets talk about the latest trap set for reviewers intentional or not

I mentioned 2 weeks ago this description made no sense.

It is apparently a very large apex module…that is a new angle of confusion…but if you are a reviewer…be carefull of mentioning attributes in your review that may lead to you having to edit delete or apologize.


Chris do you remember a product used in Car Audio , well i used them.

Dynaudio Variovent* it was a periotic 1 way breathable membrane that allows air pressure to escape at a set pressure to allow the woofers to extend to maximium excursions without the need of creating a third order acoustic vented chamber that looses all control at or below its tuning frequency.

You could stick a 10" in like 0.4’ sq and mount this thing on the side of the box and the woofer would sound like it was a bigger driver in a bigger box .

The woofer with less pressure behind it at maximum or close to it would not spike the power requirements and keep the amps in control with way more headroom!

It really worked
As the Voice Coil gets close to bottoming out on the backplate the vent would release just enough pressure and would keep control over the woofer lowering distortion while moving more air at the same time. Brilliant!

The way Joseph from LETSHOUER explained it to me as he understood it, and me speculating, - was the Passive radiator is sort of doing this and dumping the excess pressure into a seperate chamber. I guess the thought process is progressing along theese lines.
They are not using the PR as was initially intended but trying to do what the VarioVent was doing with a slighy wonky method.

When I had a chance to listen to the S15 the bass really stood out with its output but I thought it was kinda monotone one note at different levels of output. But the control was much better and it sounded more like DD less like a planar.
Still missing the proper decay and timbre but better than the average typical way too fast planar bass.

Thinking back with the DZ4 first attempt , I think was effort #1 but totally messed it up and decided to release it anyway.

S15 attempt #2 Much better improvement but still not there.

I have to applaud LETSHOUER for trying something different and hope they keeps going. Maybe someone should send them the link for the VarioVent it was perfected 30 years ago just need to shrink it down.

Now I could be completely wrong and its just a terribly stupid implementation like the DZ4 LOL


Maybe the S15 will go down as a IEM ahead of its time like a square wheel or a pioneer.

Interesting how others heard it.