Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

LOL! :joy: That’s what I’m sayin’!

To @GooberBM : That’s what she’s sayin’! She turned 30 this year and you’d have thought she was dying by how she took it…


Quick little update on my sub-$1k single DD shootout: Last night I said that the Zen Pros seemed the most vanilla of the three. Well, I was wrong! Turns out the ZPs are just VERY tip sensitive, but find the right combo and they take the gloves off and start slingin’ fists. The transformation from what I heard in that first hour to what I’m hearing now is one of the most drastic I’ve heard from a tip change. This is exactly why you can’t let first impressions be last impressions and you keep experimenting and listening.

On a similar note, some of the novelty of my initial experience with the Illuminations has worn off and I’m hearing some minor issues I’m not thrilled with. The Twilights, on the other hand, continue to impress. Timbral accuracy and good technical performance makes them a treat for the ears thus far.


You may have read about this, but I heard the Zen Pro is a very sensitive IEM, so you may wanna try out different sources to get the most out of it :smiley:

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I hadn’t read anything about them being source picky, but thankfully my audition routine always includes trying out many sources. Thanks for the heads up! I’ll be sure to pay extra attention to source synergy now for sure. :metal::sunglasses:

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Haha I thought as much - you have a wonderful collection of sources, so I’m sure you’ll have fun finding the ideal companion for you Zen Pro :slight_smile: enjoy them! I believe they are like 8 Ohms impedance, so Zeos described them as an extremely transparent set that can reveal a lot about the source itself.


The box lists them at 16ohms and 112db/mW. Right now, I’m refraining from reading reviews about any of these three sets because I don’t want them to influence my thoughts or experiences too much. Obviously, I read some before purchasing, but most of that went in one ear and out the other anyways lol! :joy:

I’ll definitely check out Zeos’ review once I have my opinions on things more solidified though. So far I have been surprised on several fronts with expectations not meeting reality and mostly in very good ways! :sunglasses:


I couldn’t get your post since I was in new Dad panic mode :melting_face:
Now i see his big baller grimace and him wiping the sweat of his brow before smaking a hoe Wany Brady style



LOL no worries, Chris!

That new dad panic mode will be present for the first 3 months … trust me.

You’ll catch your self staring at his chest while his sleeps making sure he’s still breathing sometimes, at least I did with my son. It’s a strange thing being responsible for a new being in the world … humbling to say the least!


Agreed buy a baby monitor so you can sleep or try to ! Woot congratulations so exciting.


Those things are hard to find. Ordered one and waited for 2 weeks till seller canceled. Ordered another one. (Baby socks)


So the Covid situation in China really sucks. It’s quite horrible for the people to say the least. Whatever they do it seems they can’t get the situation under control.

Lockdown or no lockdown.

Not to sound selfish or cold, but my order of the Tanchjim Space dongle DAC was pushed back more than a month due to the situation.
I’m bummed to think about the same could happen with the Heyday order, they still haven’t shipped it. It’s only been a day, but still… Let’s hope things run smoothly.


Already built and packed. Just shipping.
Most impact is in pre ship logistics.


My my my. Number 7…




Congratulations Daddy HBB :partying_face::baby::man_feeding_baby:

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Congrats! Does this make him a Christmas Eve baby?

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Let’s goooo! hoʻomaikaʻi HBB! :partying_face:

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Congratulations! So happy for you man!

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Congrats HBB!!!

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