Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

That’s why I like that guy…I hate liars…

I loathe and despise liars…

I hate liars so much, that I love to hate liars more than I hate liars

Wait a sec…I hate liars so much, that I love to hate liars more than I hate liars…yeah… I think I got that right… I think


Brutal honesty, based on ones own experience and view is going to ruffle feathers.
We all know that.
When it is our turn to be lit on fire for right or wrong we gotta remember that.
It’s not personal, it can’t be…it’;s the internet
Honesty is easy when things are going great.
Honesty is easy when things are going great.

I almost deleted my discord this morning but @Merhumblegrumble post made me back off.
I had a buncha comments under my last vid including you @Toecutter …your presence in this thread and in my world are greatly appreciated.

Now for some breathing:
I have the influence with some in China that causes folks to approach me and tell me I’m awesome etcetc and ask me to speak to sellers and companies.
I often help and they are on their way.

When stuff comes up like my sons health, holidays, life etc.
I’d expect that same energy.
That same investment in time cuz human, community, caring. Ya know…basic courtesy.
Some folks are pretty transparent and shallow and it’s all about them.
Last year, and every year I talk about who is worth the investment of time and money and trust.
Time is money
Free gear is gold (content for someones audience)
Your opinion? Nobody above you cares. not me, not them.
Don’t run your mouth on discord or anywhere it can be shared with folks who care about being disrespected. them, their goods, and their time.
I got 2 people we all know who are done. They got no sense. They have no sales impact, they will get cheaper and cheaper stuffs till they move to a plan “B” which will never be as good.
This isn’t a gravy train and you were never good enough to act a fool.
After end of year meeting your sitting with XXXXXX and XXXX.

That’s real talk.
It’s not personal (cuz i don’t know you)
It’s business ( you are not good at it)

Now on a positive note.
Kai is better than yesterday
Wife is worse…she’s an adult so…I’m happy Kai is moving towards better.
The folks who have been nice to me in past few weeks, whatever happens man, I appreciate.
Your words are not kinda valued,…they are huge… as a new father hearing from dad’s of grown or young kids, i got huge respects.
It’s a huge …HUGE emotional coaster. You guys already went through this


My Respects.
All gear and china profits and different opinions to the side…respect.


Not sure what happened over at discord, but keep your head up Chris :muscle:

Glad KAI is getting better as it can be dangerous for kids, and thanks for the hard work again this year brother :saluting_face: - Happy Holidays!

:christmas_tree: :gift: :tada:

Merry-christmas-everybody GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


I’m hotter than a rollin dice…step right up chump…and watch the kid lay a golden path straight to freedom

That’s my boy Kai…showing dad how it’s done

Kai to Chris… " no sweat Dad, I got this "


Now we gotta get the wifey out of the woods…I’m working on it


You are in my thoughts and prayers. I only wish you the best Chris. :pray:


I’m with Ric up there - not out of the woods yet, but the light is building - the best kind of news yet, no man, woman or child left behind and a good, strong movement towards a brighter new year…


I hate the dictum…Honesty is the best policy

Never understood what it meant as a child… but as an adult I realized that honesty is not meant for the receiver… it is meant for the giver… it empowers and cleanses the givers soul and gives that person the strength to not only face any obstacle in their own life but to empower people to face theirs…you have become the shepherd


Your post…sharing is caring man, really helped me. It’s weird how some stuff hits you and other stuff less so. Appreciate you taking the time and showing trust.

My brother…my…brother what a wise take.

I told my Wife I’d never cheat on her, and it wasn’t because i love her. it’s because i love myself and want to keep loving myself.
I said if i promised to be faithful because of love…i am tying a promise to a feeling…that can change…does the promise waver when what it is attached to weakens?
“Sorry honey…i was weak and we grew apart”
I keep it real so i can look in a mirror and not feel like a Piece of shit.
Autism is terrible for friendships but lifelong bonds? Marriage with vows?
Fucking bang!! Perfect.
You kinda nailed that hard with that statement.


Talk about fuckin honest…

You stood on that altar and said " till death do us part "…some people f’n mean it

I can’t believe I shortened fuckin but I promised my wife I’d cut back on the f-bombs…holy shit I fuckin did it again…and again…I can’t stop


Absolutely any time - glad it helped :call_me_hand:

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:rofl: fucking fuck-diddly-uck and all the fuckberries in love in Upper Fuckton is there no end to the fucking f-bombs? Fuck no. Why? Because you still have plenty of fucks to give… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


BASS, Vocals, Guitars
Nice work Chris.
Stay strong


Thanks…and seeing Bob as the 1st
:pray: :heartpulse:


Hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. Horrible to have to go through this especially at this time of year


Did you get one of the first ten…that set could have been hanging from my ears but I went to take a shit and when I came back the promo price was gone…that’s no shit…well hmm… it was shit… but then I took a shit and now I don’t have shit… it’s just plain shit

But that set will be in my possession someday…that ain’t no shit

There’s no such word as ain’t

I guess I’ll have to settle for the Hype 10 for now…holy shit…settle for shit… it might be shit… gonna have to check that shit out

That shit is mine…maybe I won’t even want that shit and I’ll have to chuck that shit

I don’t know…guess I’ll just deal with my shit for now…or in this case…lack of shit

Man…that’s a lot of shit


Hmm…lucky 5000…time to play the Pick 4

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This was one of ten. Very happy bout that.


:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: You stole my shit… lucky bastard…you’re lucky I had to take a shit :handshake:

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