Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Dude…I heard you say it before…there is always…and I mean ALWAYS a rainbow at the end

Your just stressed out because the two most important people in your life are not feeling well…I get it

I wanna hear you say it… everything is gonna be alright… go ahead… just fuckin say it…you know I’m right

I guarantee you Kai and your wife will be just fine… I don’t know your wife but my wife and me have seen your son and my wife is aware of what’s going on with him… my wife’s heart bleeds for everyone and she has your son’s wellbeing in her thoughts

As do I👍


It’s no harm. I’m in a bad spot and this is the internet. Hope you had a good holiday.
I’m hoping January is good :crossed_fingers:


Same to you and yours, as always!


Subscribed… you got my 1.8 cents… plus tax

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Didn’t win the Mini…" Adrian you’re gone "… Fuuuuuuuck

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LOL, Thanks.
That was such a zero fucks given time of life. i think I was using a vaccum cleaner in the beginning

Here’s a reason FiiO let go of my rope…i knew it so did this

I did this to fuck with fiiO…
Zero fucks


I’m still fuckin with you and segueing away from where your mind is at because that’s what you need right now… a good laugh

I knew the moment you started your vid that something was off… I’m very perceptive to other people’s tonal characteristics and heard something in your voice that to me… sounded like concern

Hang in there bro… don’t make me talk to ’ the man ’ again


:confused: That really sucks and extra suck that it’s over the holidays. Hope they get well soon :pray: give them lots of hugs :hugs:


Just saw the video and the posts. All the good wishes to your son and wife on their way to recover. COVID is serious business, but hopefully everything will be fine.

Also, don’t know if this helps or not but I was a kid with asma. Had to spend some nights at the hospital, and my mom had a nebulizer at home with Berotec and Atrovent, to common drugs for these kinds of problems. Turbulent year but I got better with time and, after I was 12, didn’t have anymore problems. Besides moving to a smaller city with more green, it was the love and attention of my parents that helped me get well. Little Kai already has this half so hopefully he’ll get better with time.


OK, I haven’t really gotten the chance to know you in a way that’s makes me feel entitled to get personal (which is very much my personal failing), but your story has stirred up something I’d like to share, and maybe it adds something you find helpful.

Hopefully what is being diagnosed as asthma is situational and not a lifetime thing. I’m a lifelong asthmatic, and while my parents loved me, for a lot of reasons they never followed through on getting me help for my asthma - I had to do that for myself as an adult. So right off the bat, you’re on top of the essential things for Kai. He’s a lucky guy - your whole family is blessed to be together. You’re going to get through this together.

And if the asthma persists, I’m here to tell you, it’s manageable. Sure it takes care and attention, but I’ve been able to do pretty much anything I’ve ever wanted to - hell, I’m not doing it these days, but I’ve regularly run 10Ks and done 8 mile runs in my weekly routine, the limiter there has turned out to be shins and ankles, not lungs.

Alright - enough from me - hang in there and keep doing what you’re doing - people appreciate it!


Hang in there! Kids are tough, tougher than we think! But it is a helpless feeling watching and not being able to help as one wants. Does not help when half of the team is down to❤️. I don’t have kids myself, but plenty of nieces and nephews. People in here root for you guys and have your back! Speedy recovery to you and your family.


Speedy recovery to your family, Chris! Hang in there! :pray:


God dammit. Catching Covid and then developing Asthma must be a common thing because it happened to my son last year. He went through hell for a solid month, coughing consistently every night, almost all night. He could barely sleep, I know there was an issue more serious than just a cough when one night, he kept coughing for a solid 20 minutes straight and it got dryer and dryer as the night went on. We took him to the Drs the next day and got him some inhalers.

Since then, he’s been more than fine. He runs and plays all day, at school, at home and has no issues. There are some rare times where he needs his inhaler if he catches a cold/cough but besides that, it doesn’t effect his day to day. I know Kai got this, brother, don’t worry about anything. The only thing this’ll do is making him even stronger. I’m rooting for big boy Kai!


IDK how I missed this :rofl: Honestly, dude, I do know better than that. The entire interaction has been living rent free in my head these past few days and it’s not because of what the guy said, but because I feel like I could have handled it so much better.

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We all could handle certain things better bud,just try to learn from it and not get sucked in to some nonsense shit🤙. Hope you had a good holiday🎄

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So true. Ya live and ya learn, my man. I hope your holidays were eventful and wonderful :pinched_fingers:

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Bro…I have to commend you for having the sack to come on some board and disclosing the hurdles in your life…takes confidence in oneself and…


Thank you, brother. HBB leads the way - his constant honesty is refreshing to me. It’s not the easy way, but it pays dividends.

It’s been said here before that this place is like a gathering of brothers, and that rings true to me. Coming from a large family, the pattern held - for the relatively few times we had a pile-up on the front stoop on Easter morning (only every other Easter, lol), we were back together after a brief cool-off, and in the long run there was no place safer.


Let’s get back to business… I use to keep my sets in a watch display case but after getting an earful from my wife about how blingy it looks… went back to individual cases… I’m going to change them over to all black so when I pick one up for a session I won’t know which one I’m gonna get…makes it interesting but stupid



OK, bidness it is - I keep’em in individual cases and then toss those into a shoebox or empty headphone box, and stash’em in the closet, but I’m considering giving them some shelf space because I’m tired of wading into the closet all the time. I need to clear out some dead brush
though for sure.