Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Jesus Christ your wife got you a pair of hype 10s for Christmas?!? That’s insane! :joy:



Merry Christmas everyone!!!


Merry Christmas to all.

We had a nice Christmas Eve, due to other family schedule, we did presents this morning. I put on the Santa suit and handed out presents. We have had most of the family ( oldest son, his wife, and their three kids ) living with us for the last two years. They are moving out this spring, and it struck me how much I will miss it. Christmas seems like a big production, but it is worth it.

I wasn’t the cook in our family until about 5 years ago, when my wife’s memory started getting unreliable, she started teaching me how to cook they way she used to. She still helps with the sauces and glazes, but I do pretty much everything else now. I have gotten pretty good in the kitchen, but mostly because it has become part of how I take care of her. I guess the point to that was that everything changes, appreciate the times we get with our families, and learn to accept that things always change, and that can be good too.

On the cooking being a thing in our house. My big gift was a sous vide setup, so I am planning on some pork loin tomorrow, and I might have to snag some tri-tip on Tuesday.


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Merry Christmas everybody. Hope you have some enjoyable time with family and friends,Chris


Merry Christmas, to everyone. Thank you to all in this community for being incredible. It’s truly been a pleasure spending the last 2 x-mas days part of this forum, I wouldn’t have it any other way :handshake:


Yeah Dom…I can tolerate a blind buy… especially when the wifely is footin the coin

I asked Santa for the Jupiter and she said " don’t look a gift horse in the mouth "

" you have enough ear thingies already "

Ear thingies…she just doesn’t understand…


Yes I have the 3…when I get the Hype I’ll let you guys know what I think…but remember…that’s only my opinion… mileage may vary

Everyone in this hobby is pretty much alone… it only matters what you think… so many variables come into play that determines someone’s love or hate relationship with a certain IEM


Hey Chris… noticed you weren’t invited to Timothy’s Christmas party…

If you were… it would have gone down something like this… with Dio at the helm

I wonder why Moondrop got so many votes… hmm I wonder :thinking:

I’d rather go to the dentist bro.


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Moved below


It was only for channels with less than 5000 subs.


I think it is actually really cool of Tim to invite and put into wider broadlight quite a few of youtubers that normally do not have a chance of talking to so large number of viewers :ok_hand:

Having couple of folks mentioning his collab as a endgame may be some kind of question mark in terms of the sincerity, but I would give them a benefit of a doubt.
Maybe they really love it or maybe it was subconscious “payback” for exposure or maybe the question internally was not stated in the way as presented in the video. I would be surprised if @Jaytiss would choose Chopin over his Monarch as the one to leave the hobby with :face_with_monocle:


Waiting the full review. The collabs starting to be pricey, but also the sound quality is increased obviously.

Edit: I hope they don’t have channel imbalance like this:


I was just bustin Chris’s chops… it was meant as a joke… I know he doesn’t give a rats ass about the ’ meeting of the minds '… and personally think the vid is crass and ingenuous…

I’m not too sure about that crew

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I know and I got it. :notes: :call_me_hand:
You are top shelf around here brother :white_check_mark:

I gotta graph mine. I had a epic crap day today so did not do any listening. When my head is on right I’ll take notes for Mirai review :ok_hand:


Sounds like a “spend time with Kai” kinda day.

Which…well that’s every day. :man_shrugging:t5:

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My Son is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.
Spending time with him is my joy.
No idea what you are talking about

He’s got Covid
He’s got a flu
He’s got fucking asthma
No idea wtf is going on wth the doctors stuffing him with meds.
Wife got Covid today
I had it 1 year ago.
The 2 people I actually love are down bigtime.

If spending time with my Son is something you deem “crap”…we are too far apart to understand each other so take care man.


I meant on a bad day, he’s where you’d want to be, but that there isn’t a day you wouldn’t want to be with him. Sorry I said it in a not-direct way.

I hadn’t been around much and didn’t realize his being sick came back around, after you got him checked out properly.

Hope he bounces back soon!