Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Happy New Year to everybody. Hopefully, 2024 will provide us with as many delights as 2023 has! A huge thank you to you Chris for a stellar year of reviews. Hopefully, you and your family will be in fine health. And to all the contributors, site monitors, and fans of this forum may you all finfd the TOTL of your dreams (regardless of expense).


I usually pick up every nuance of a person’s prose but I missed this line…sorry dude

I as well can spot them a mile away

Probably said Happy New Year to you and everyone else already but wtf…Happy New Year again


My opinion of you just went up tremendously. Nice smile…only eclipsed by the epic wardrobe.
You and me would get along great especially out partying.
(the power of pics and getting a look at who folks are)
Happy New Year you madman :heart: :notes: :sparkler:


Ngl, I feel very shitty after reading this post.
Came here to make new year wishes, I’ve been in a downward spiral as of recent.
After reading your post I feel shitty as a person in general.
You were there for me during my hard times, supporting me on your discord, I couldn’t even be there on this forum to support you (through words at the very least when things were going downhill for ye).
I was kicked from your discord in your rage ig, I haven’t been able to make heads or tails of it, thought we had a problem that in would come back to later on…
I’ve been in my own world the last few days facing a lot of personal problems, its…

I’m truly sorry bro, I’m disappointed in myself. I feel like I just walked out.

Glad to see people here have been supporting you and am truly glad to see Kai recovering well, hope the wife also gets better and wish you a happy new year to you and the other folks out here.

I promise to be a better person.

Hope things work out well for all of us. :pray:


I think we both had stresses at same time. It is what causes most friction here and across the net.
You were in your stress and I was in mine.
My apologies for not being more patient.
I gotta grow up a little every day
2024 Day #1 Lets move past this fast and grow and support


Glad to be back on your discord, I’ll hit up with more updates later :saluting_face:


Happy New Year! I wish you and your loved ones health in the new year! May the New Year be in peace and tranquility!


Happy New year tô everyone! I think both the hobby and the forum has been getting better over the years, and 2023 was a awesome year.
HBB you’re in good part responsible for this positive growth. Hope you had a good turn of the year, with the wife getting better. Also hope little Kai continues to grow strong and healthy.
Here is to 2024 being a even better year.


Chris…just woke up…heard about the earthquake…you feel anything


Don’t know where you live but my uncle lives in the Yamagata prefecture…trying to get in touch with him as I type…

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Asked a few mins back, he’s safe :+1:


Thanks man…listen…I’m not aware of what went down on discord and it’s none of my business anyway… and don’t take this as a dissertation on what I’ve noticed on this forum and others… I also would be a hypocrite to say that I have not exercised the same actions on occasion, because after all, I am a human being… so please don’t be offended by what I say, or my tendency to drop the f-bomb once in awhile (yeah…fuckin sure)…when I first signed up for this board a few months ago I really thought that I would be intimidated by all these knowledgeable audio-file grade individuals

Just as I first was when I signed up to a philosophy forum several years back…but I found my niche and gained the respect of these cognitive intellectuals…but what I realized was that even these highbrows can act immature at times and argue a point based solely on ignorance

We are all ignorant based on on our experience or lack thereof… but there are two types of ignorance…passive and active ignorance…the former is a person who is conscious of the fact that they don’t have the comprehension or brevity of a certain subject matter but are willing to learn, and then there is the active ignorant…a person who is unconscious of their ignorance and are unwilling to learn or empower themselves with apprehension through said experience

What I’m getting at and I know that to any of you who are a true gentleman…that I’m preaching to the choir… that having an argument on the internet is both immature and absurd…things are misread and taken out of context…then pride gets in the way and everyone feels disrespected and so on and so on…

The only truely sincere way to have a dialogue with someone is to do it face to face…where you can see the person’s facial expressions, hand and body language and all the little nuances of communication that human beings possess…

There is a reason it’s called a dialogue…when you post on the web you control the narrative and therefore have converted your opinion into a monologue ( just like I am doing here )… that is not how you communicate with someone

I know that to the uninitiated this little tirade will fall on deaf ears and some of you have no idea what I’m talking about…but don’t worry…you will someday

My hope for all of you…whether you understand me or not…

Is to have a fruitful and prosperous New Year and beyond…to have the health and wisdom to be able to enjoy your family and friends and for them to have the health and wisdom to enjoy you…and to understand we all are just six degrees separated, that we are not alone in this world and that deep down inside people genuinely do care for each and everyone of us on this tiny blue marble…so says my wife…and I must agree

I’m outie…


Yep reality is…
Reality, there’s a whole lot of stuff one can deduce from observing the body language, expressions, eyes, breathing n other stuff, even just hearing the person over voice can convey a lot of stuff. Text ain’t enough, I’ve had this misunderstanding happen lot of times. Nothing can beat a true face to face conversation. :raised_hands:


The pride thing. I was almost thrown away by that. I was kicked off a discord community, IEF (iykyk). My mistake, i posted something against their guidelines. Also associated with a certain someone that they don’t want anyone associated with the guy.
I felt homeless even tho I had a roof over my head, I was hanging out almost whole day, everyday on that server. Swore to myself i wouldn’t get kicked again, I would leave off my own accord before that happens. Chris snapped unexpectedly. That being kicked off just set me off in unexpected ways. I know of his condition to a certain extent so decided to visit it later on when he was better, simultaneously I was having my own downward spiral as well.
The ego almost made me just never look at this forum, that I would wait for Chris to contact me in the dms personally.
(I’m laying my thoughts without filter here, i hope this is ok)

Today morning I was thinking over my journey the past year. Made me think all the times he had been there to support and hype my project. I felt bad, wanted to see what happened, didn’t know the stuff he went through was bad to the point of almost deleting his entire discord.
Fuck my ego, his work/contribution to this community doesn’t deserve that kinda attitude, the man needed help. Glad your words and the others here helped him out. I felt totally horrible man.
It takes a lot of thinking to remember the whole picture than that one implusive ego/emotion destroying everything that was worked for.


No dude…your ego is important…everyone just needs to understand that it’s the internet and that it’s just a portal for ones ideas and feelings…and because of the medium it is transpoted by…gets painfully misconstrued

I’m just trying to help…I’m like a fireman…I rush to help

You go…we go…it’s all the same


I’m in Yamaguchi ken and it’s all good here. Hope your relatives are fine :pray:

Oh some folks had bad days


Man, that is just gut wrenching to see - my heart goes out to those effected! What’s a good relief fund to contribute to?

Very good to hear you’re all fine… hope everyone’s friends and family there are too.


Holy jesus christ, how scary. That’s horrible. I hope all is well on your end, Chris. That has to be the biggest downside of living in JP. Probably one of the coolest countries to live in, but you have to deal with BS like this… unreal.

Stay safe, HBB.


That pic is insane…I mean, that building just flipped on its side… :exploding_head:

I have been keeping all in that and neighboring areas that have been impacted in my prayers since hearing about it. We had a New Years rumble here in the central coast of Cali but it was tiny.

