I do open sea swimming twice a week (amateur triathlete/runner) in the Atlantic and every once in a while this couple of dolphins join our group – it’s kinda scary at first but also super cool. They keep their distance and only indulge us for a short while and then it seems like they go “you guys are too slow” and just dive in and pop back up like half a K ahead.
Agreed on this forum, I generally lurk but I learn a lot from what I read here.
oh and a Pic the GF took since I wasn’t around for the putting faces to names extravaganza a few days ago. All my pictures are running pictures it seems.
I’m 48yo from Brazil.
Yes I was on. Hiking holiday in the Azores one day I was scaling a volcano the next being dragged on a rope from a zodiac inflatable surround by common dolphins and Rissis dolphins then quickly getting dragged back onto the dingy as Sperm whales came up to have a look lol
The first step was the leap of faith! thanks @Toecutter
As someone who has not had social media for the past ten years (by choice) it does limit where and how you can interact with the community. This one or any for that matter.
Music has always been a big part of my life but I was only around people who played it and not listened through the kind of gear we all talk about. So, music is this key to memories I hold in myself. A song, a note, a chorus, could put me into reliving a moment in my past. Like a vivid dream with smell, taste and touch.
I was born with some eye issues and they have gotten worse over the years. Slowly but surely losing all my peripheral vision. This accompanied by sensory issues. The way i look at life is no regrets truly. We all make decisions and we have to live with those repercussions if we thought about them or not. I am grateful for all the decisions I have made in my life because they have brought me to the person I am now.
There is something about this particular community that i just clicked with and knew I needed to speak up. The main hesitation was my lack of experience in the in ear market, coming from headphones. I was invalidating my own experience, but my experience may help others in a way I don’t know. I love that its not only gear talk here but like we are all in the backroom of an audio lounge. The only real local shop for gear like this would be a 45 minute train ride to Chicago for me.
Besides music i love to be out and about. I go back and forth to my birth country and do a lot of hiking there. (ITS ALL CORN FIELD WHERE I AM NOW).
Putting faces to names has always been big for me to feel a better connection with those i interact with. I was always the one to convince others lets get on voice and stop typing.
@Toecutter I am the same way, Either you will like that I speak direct or you wont.
Long one I know. @hawaiibadboy Thank you for the community!
Andy man, that is truly awesome!
Interestingly enough, that is EXACTLY the zone (early mids- mids) I feel most tuners get it wrong, either by design, neglect, fear or some tech reason related to cost. It’s the beating heart of the entire tuning, so when I see 1k area used as a pivot , it launches the rage inside…everything in that graph does that, more or less. Of course I would listen first, but also bet the entire farm, that overall coherence in room acoustics, stage and male vocals, particularly, improve by smoothing the corners there. At least for this old boomers ears…sorry…had to get that off my chest
Edit. Answered my own question.
I agree, I think a lower gradual pinna is more realistic sounding and if I was suffering from age related hearing loss at 37 it would imply i need more gain…I need less and always have.
The strict adherence to freq curves and what is “good” is killing the hobby.
Let me rephrase that
The strict adherence to freq curves and what is “good” is killing the hobby.
Hundreds and now thousands of sets of earphones are doing essentially the same thing in the same way
There is a DOGMA in this hobby and you see it when someone or a company tries to do something new and it is picked apart like ants ripping a butterfly to pieces…by folks I might add…who rarely listen to or mention music which is what these things are supposed to do.
A graph rig isnt a test bench and there are zero experts in this field.
Need a coffee…thanks for the trigger
I agree. I typically use 500Hz to login up graphs but for V shape sets I found 1k more useful.
This is my only outlet…by choice also…never had FB or Twit or what’s that one called…I can’t remember…I’m not into that type of communication…I’d rather always do face to face…this way someone can’t hide behind a keyboard
But alas…there are not many people around me who are into ear thingies…my wife could not care less…thinks I spend too much money on them…thinks that it’s an obsession…“Honey, everything in life is an obsession, love,money,power,sex,food, but a cognizant person just knows how to meter it and understands lifes limitations”
I have a few friends who are into them but not with the same fervor as the Toecutter…you know what…I’m going to speak in the 3rd person from now on…Toecutter likes the new Toecutter…Toecutter approves of the new Toecutter
Toecutter says welcome aboard and have a pleasant flight
I take all of this fuckin back…wifey was right…but I’ll never let her know…her head is big enough
Very similar situation, they could give two fucks as long as it makes sound. My father was the one who got me into records, BB king, the BGs, Dire Straits, Bob and the Wailer, Pink Floyd, The doors, The Cure, Human League, Vivaldi just some that started my journey into audio. 90’s kid if it wasn’t clear
My family thought I was COO COO KACHOO when I got all my headphone stuff years back…But… They did not understand the second hand market for taken care of audio gear is good. Usually… I looked at it as an investment especially when it was so boutique. They got it later on LOL.
There is very a fine line I walk every day of impulsivity and self control. For me IF I start something I’m in it till I’M done. I don’t subscribe to the mediocrity of good enough. Either it is on level or move on.
Will the @Toecutter be serving refreshments on the flight and what is our in flight movie!
I know this is not Raytheon but it was a very interesting watch especially with what can be done and how they do QC.
The @Toecutter must be vigil in his struggle!
I agree with you 100%. I don’t have Facebook,etc… only really hang out with my wife,daughter and go to work. So this has been my social outlet for sure! And it has been a treat🤙
He’s such a fanboy
Was on fumes…1st street sesh of 2024 and it gets dark quick.
If we got hit and killed by a car the driver wouldn’t do a day in jail cuz we are stoooopid
Well done, sport is life! As a child, I was engaged in wrestling, and I am also familiar with MMA - this is a common practice in Russia) Don’t feel sorry for your sparring partner))
I just died of cuteness overload, btw. Thanks, Chris. Kai is just too much with these videos!
Also, you using CCTV footage of your sparring in the middle of a Japanese side road*** is absolutely hilarious
At first I thought it was a news report form the thumbnail.
Thanks to dad…Kai 15 years from now…where’s my friggin candy